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ColosoalOld rod has magickarp, qwuilfish, and luvidsc
KS-Playsguy where
SilkeregnThanks Colosoal
OwOborosYou forgor the :
DroncarLmao i feel stupid
ColosoalGood rod has remoraid, glugin, luvdisc
OwOborosIm at 100 counter rn but it spawns in groups of 2 - 5
ColosoalOld rod I belive has luvdisc and qwuilfish
lemoniteniteOoo pink dogy
darkeryetdarkerlemon the id like 007pcdin
lemoniteniteDoes it have to be the full id
SilkeregnFound Fridgid, whats the rare for fishing with each rod?
OwOborosBoongus perfect little guy
OwOborosOh nice thanku
lemoniteniteWhat does exp do
darkeryetdarkerboros you can do that with :mon_ the id of the mon then :
Silkeregnand other stuff
Silkeregnyou get points for logging in daily
lemonitenite13 trash
Silkeregnnot real money
lemoniteniteI think
lemoniteniteU need to buy the pass in shop first
OwOborosHow do you post the Pokemon picture in the chat?
darkeryetdarkeralso this is where the syringe concept comes from
lemoniteniteI think they cool
lemoniteniteOhhhh nortist !!
ColosoalIt’s the whole FLIPPIN terriuam
ColosoalBut instead of people and ants
SilkeregnLike a skeleton inside a flesh prison
darkeryetdarkerit gonna be something to simallar to this
lemoniteniteKinda cordyceps ?
ColosoalI say make it a bug that controls the teruiam like a parasite but also being restrained to just inside the teriuam
lemoniteniteWhat's ur region gonna be about anyhow
DroncarSounds cool!
lemoniteniteMaybe their gaster can be the terrarium
darkeryetdarkeri have the ones one which their bases are a syringe and a  bunsen burner
DroncarThe only not-grass grass type starter
✏JaneJewelThat would be a unique grass starter.
✏JaneJewelMake it bug/ground.
DroncarWhat are you other ones? and do you have a region theme yet?
darkeryetdarkerwhich is just ant + terrarnium
darkeryetdarkerand im need to start thinking about wtf im gonna with a concept on my grass starter
ColosoalIma get back to beating up these team rocket LOSERS for money
ColosoalVery very very difficult
ColosoalJust very difficult
darkeryetdarkerso it is imposssible
ColosoalBut nearly impossible
ColosoalYanpaow is to cool to be just a pseudo for a event from a region that was on hiatus
darkeryetdarkerabout paow doesn't it make it inposible to do hub's dex
ColosoalR.I.P paow, didn’t deserve to be just a event
darkeryetdarkercolo you know it gonna be easier when mobi gets the evos
lemoniteniteYeah but idk if there's much people selling their started
Silkeregnaah I see
darkeryetdarkerthen put the mobipup in to global pc and done
ColosoalIt worked for me so
ColosoalYou can trade tho
darkeryetdarkeryou basically need to beat the tutorial 2 times
lemoniteniteAh we gotta commit illegal pokemon trafficking
darkeryetdarkeryou gonna reset
ColosoalYou only get 1 when you start hub
ColosoalThat’s the neat part
lemoniteniteHow get more mobipup
ColosoalThen hit around the middle of hub
ColosoalGo to hub
ColosoalGo to regions
ColosoalAlso all 3 mobipup count towards the completion of the main hub areas list of mons somehow
Silkeregnim looking at the hub collection
ColosoalIf not then it doesn’t appear
ColosoalHave you caught them
Silkeregnbut thanks
Silkeregnim not seeing these encounters on the site
ColosoalFrigid, pelliper, wailord, matyke, and pasmafis
Silkeregnlets start with surf
lemoniteniteSoy sauce all over my handdddddd
ColosoalIs it surf, good rod, or old rod your trying to encouter mons with
MonsieurElmai love jext, but i hate his creation
MajiNVegetaLol jext made sakurovix
SilkeregnI dont know, thats why I am asking
ColosoalSurf, good rod, or old rod
MonsieurElmaforgot how i named my shiny aromatick
ColosoalWhich Mon silk?