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RitualImpOOoooo nice
RedUmbreon5nice, i think i was shiny hunting in borovia
RitualImpIn kanto power lvling my bulbasur
RedUmbreon5whatcha up to
RitualImpbut hii
RitualImp1 am for me
RedUmbreon5Good morning 3 am gang
LightDiabloimma afk right here ig
MaryAmarysAstervoids two signatures are kinda nice
MaryAmarysi just need a good nature for atrocean and Grimfernal, i'm not as worried about Astervoid cause it has neutral
LightDiabloor imma just get an alt account and reset
LightDiablou can reset regions
MaryAmarysI can try tomorrow
MaryAmarysi mean , maybe not tonight but
LightDiabloI can give u an Umbreon as thx
LightDiabloif possible
LightDiabloI need good IVs for em
LightDiabloso uh can u collect the rica starters for me
LightDiablocan u do me a favor?
LightDiablosince u have not started rica,
LightDiabloI have an Umbreon at last
MaryAmaryshad to reload
MaryAmarysor something special attack boosting
MaryAmarysi would also like to get a modest for grimfernal at some point
LightDiablonah brave is Atk+
MaryAmarysyes, atrocean
MaryAmarysis brave neutral>
LightDiablofor which pokemon?
LightDiabloI have brave mints
MaryAmarysi still need to get an adamant mint augh
RitualImpthx ya
RitualImpIm blind
RitualImpME SEE
LightDiablodo / unstuck
LightDiabloread the above message near the time
LightDiabloye do /unstucl
LightDiabloand zweilous finally evolves
RitualImpI can now walk through walls, is that supposed to happen?
LightDiablofinally we get umbreon
RitualImpSo um, accidently bugged out the retro thing
LightDiabloall good
RitualImpOh im sorry
LightDiablocya sleey
SleebyEepyWelp i go now, baii see y'all later
LightDiablomake sure to cash out every 10 battles
LightDiabloif u wanna grind BP fast
MaryAmarysand exp candies
MaryAmaryssome of the other ev items
MaryAmarysthe uhhhhhh
LightDiablowatcha grinding for?
LightDiablohey Mary
MaryAmarysmy factory run going good
BaskOfSoftKittyby Bunny Beach entrance
LightDiabloI'll go there and have....
LightDiablofinally a trainer
BaskOfSoftKittyone near the top of Verdent Garden
SleebyEepyI jus need to hatch my eggs
SleebyEepyMe who doesn't needs any battles anymor
SleebyEepyMe who accidentally ran into a trainer battle
LightDiabloI need EXP
LightDiablowhich one Bask?
LightDiablostarly, fletchling, rookidee
BaskOfSoftKittyEaster Island also has a good trsiner to exp. grind off of
LightDiabloget either the following pokemon to make ur cloudia experience better
LightDiablogoomy no trainer is active for battle rn