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AraimaI enjoy all the gimmicks the gens have
PG55i liked G-max
ZeroStarKaiis there a move relearner in this game?
Araimaas in, let me bring them to future games
AraimaI just want them to be SUPPORTED
Icymossyea mega and paradox are the only gimmicks i liked
AraimaI don't want "more" paradoxes per se
PG55do you want endless Iron stuff?
Araimaso in the end I guess it doesn't matter
Araimathey arne't charizard
TheNewKingBreti like the idea UB but the ones we got are kinda of weird. pokemon from place
AraimaI feel like Paradoxes have more fans than the UBs tho
PG55they will abandon paradoxes like they did with UBs
TheNewKingBreti love idea of paradoxes mon
ZeroStarKaithey most likely will
AraimaI want my paradoxes to see future regions :sob:
PG55they will
Araimaseriously I hope they don't abandon the paradoxes
TheNewKingBretif they fix*
TheNewKingBretif fix some of the lagging problems too
ZeroStarKaihad it not been a buggy nightmare
ZeroStarKaiit certainly could've been the best game of the 3d era
PG55change my mind
PG55if SV werent full of glitches it would be the single best game of the franchise
AraimaIron Valiant is one of my favorite mons
ZeroStarKaiterapagos isn't the treasure
Roxion13will the legy birds in cloudia reappear if you defeat or run from them?
Araimabut I LOVE paradox pokemon
TheNewKingBretarea zero had so much more they can do with it
ZeroStarKaifunny thing is there IS treasure at the bottom of area zero
TheNewKingBreti like simpler side of gen 9 but i could been better
Araimathe whole bottom of area zero could of been so much more
AraimaI think indigo disk could of been better tho
PG55theyre good
AraimaI loved the dlcs for S/V
PG55i like the teal mask stuff
TheNewKingBretthat way they had utlra games
PG55gen 9 is good
Araimaneeded more
ZeroStarKaigen 9's lore is "exploration, treasure, child abandonment"
Araimabut it
Araimalore was ok
ngoomiei got almost to the end and then just stopped and idk why
TheNewKingBreti think around that time mutiverse was at play in sun and moon
Araimavery pretty region
AraimaGen has Kalos Synrome in a way
ngoomiei got it for... my birthday? christmas? the year after it came out
ngoomiei've still somehow not finished moon
PG55the dlcs were... not good
Araimabut I just prefer the golden ending of USUM and the fleshed out UBs
PG55gen 8 lore was half good
AraimaUltra Sun and Moon are good imo.  I prefer the story there over OG
ZeroStarKaiand then ultra sun and moon exists
TheNewKingBretit still does but also the weaker side of things
PG55like, the gods of life and death?
ZeroStarKaigen 7's lore was that Mohn lost his memories and got booted to the mini game island and so Lusamine went insane with trying to use the ultrabeasts to find and bring him back
PG55a lot of potential
PG55Kalos had potential
Araimacuz it was
TheNewKingBretkalos feel like it missing parts
Araimaso hoping ZA can really give it some love
TheNewKingBreti dont think it got bad it way to complex for it own good
AraimaKalos is by far the weakest imo but it got rushd and abandoned due to anniversaries
PG55it just got complex
PG55i dont think the lore got bad
Araimasome gens better than others but eachc have their own merrits
Araimaand it's just been building for better or worse since then
PG55and a single big wqar
Araimathen 3 is when story started existing
AraimaGen 2 started fleshing it a bit
TheNewKingBretzygrade idea is cool too
AraimaGen 1 was basic Dragon Quest RPG lore
PG55before gen 4 it was just catching mons and fighting evil teams
TheNewKingBretdid like muti-versus in the later game
PG55the lore really starts at gen 4+
ZeroStarKaiGen 5's lore was perfectly fine
PG55stop being good?
TheNewKingBretthink the lore stop being good after gen 4
PG55pokemon lore is so big i could write a book about it
TheNewKingBreti need to make a play list at some point
ZeroStarKaithank you
Mattmewta da
PG55ive never heard about Kitasui
TheNewKingBretbut that most common one people bring up
PG55is it?
TheNewKingBretthe war too
PG55or Kitasui, or Galar-Kalos-Paldea war...
TheNewKingBretkanto jhoto is a thing already
PG55or Kanjoh
TheNewKingBretmy point how much jhoto and sinnoh their a lot synbolism their can make game out of it
Mattmewi can help zero