There is currently an MMO event going on: Grimvale Graveyard!
Current users
Jext ★, L_Tanuki, Greywhoose, DravynLeCrux, yukizo, DrakenSilver, maikoherrera, Scavenger, Hilltop_Zephyr, tetrislicious, Valeskazf_TV, Culex64, CHAINSAWPRTY, ShadowKrimson, PatchOfHope, MIX_Of_EEVEE, AlterZwei, antigone, Bern, SanguineSol, Koshawn, whatamidoing12, envychimera, Rolmane, Vanny2024, Harlequin4sloth, LiquidOoze, YoungSheldon, Osyne, Fuzzy, FlameRunner32, LunaArk
Icymoss:gun: THIS ONE
Primalwhich city?
meggieportto be fair, i lived in a haunted city at one point, so more often than you'd think lmao
DrexTructionis it grave robbing when the heirs let you keep it?
IcymossYea, shes stealing all them CV shinys
KetsubanXDGrave robbery is wild
PrimalJane promotes robbery?
ThisPumpkintechnically the grimvale leaderboard is based on how much grave robbing you do
DrexTructionwho puts a local fair two meters next to an actual graveyard
KetsubanXDAlright, now to try and not get stuck this time
meggieportimagine digging up a grave at what is essentially a local fair
UsagiTsukiok thanks
DrexTructionor under it, technically
meggieporti think you need something borrowed
DrexTructionon the lone grave
UsagiTsukiI have the earring,hair comb and the ring... Idk where the last one is DX
Primalonly 1 time, and dont touch any other colours or else it resets
Primaljust step on it draken
KetsubanXDDo you have sounds on?
Primal4 items usagi
DrakenSilverhow do you 'select' the right color? in the puzzle map, do you jump on it?
meggieporti dont think ive ever seen a golden
UsagiTsukihow many items I need for the ghost in the fall festibal?
Primalit could have been a golden one
Primallisten it could be worse
meggieportit was cute too
meggieportyes ;_;
meggieportit was uhh... i forget the name now, the little sun moon on a cloud thing in ff
meggieporti panicked and didn't make good decisions lmao
Primalwhat was it?
meggieportbc i USED all of my pokeballs
meggieportim unfortunately a shiny's worst nightmare
PrimalI remember you told us you had to kill the shiny because you didnt have pokeballs
meggieportim a certified shiny killer
DrexTructionI'm a play to win
DrexTructionI'm not a pay to play
DrexTructionI'm not a free to play
PrimalTruly a demonic being
IcymossThen he joined Demons and hes got the 2 rewards lol
DrexTructionand then an orange bat blessed me
DrexTructionI got 7 regular Fangriefs, but I reset like 3 or 4 more times when I saw I wasn't getting lucky with the crowns at the start
Primaldamn lucky
DrexTructionnot that many
PrimalHow many times did you reset
DrexTructionanyway, this afternoon I got a shiny Fangrief so I'm now a sellout who doesn't need to be the first of my team
meggieporti feel like there's a couple on mt moon if im not mistaken
PrimalIt says GexTrucktion
DrexTructionbut you should check who's number 5 in the demons
Icymossand moon stone I think is at the end of the first hall Dark
KetsubanXDLocked in a room with both doors locked- boy do I hope I remember the path
DrexTructionI mean, probably
Icymossstill farming the hands
DrexTructionguess who got a shiny tho
DrexTructionhi Primal
PrimalIcy u got the shiny hand?
Primalwait what
whyisitalwaysdarkwhere is the moon stone in mt moon
Icymossthen Im FREEE
IcymossThen I got till the 15 for FF and TT clean up
Icymosshands end 31st the bat is the 2nd
IcymossYea I got a great iv bat then went back to the hands
DrexTructionoh right, with the new event I forgot about the white hand shunt you were doing
IcymossGod hands
meggieportyou should make one that's just 1000 hands in honor of your golden hand search
IcymossI plan to once I get some down, My sister gave me a good idea for a ghost hermit crab
meggieporticy u should share some of the designs if you're comfortable, i'd love to see them
IcymossI got a new drawing book to make my region desings in
PrimalOr Night, whatever
QuackQuackAttackSame to you!
PrimalAnyways I hope everyone is having a good day
meggieportget down mr president
PrimalI just want to say, in the name of everyone-
MagnumTheQuilSlayerNo it's patrick
PrimalHello this is President Primal.
meggieportthe wiki actually has a list of the pokemon-- i was confused bc i thought i had completed the challenge, but i was missing something i hadn't even seen yet
Icymossyea put him in the global pc
Gojibancan i take fangrief with me? to other regions?
Icymoss2 on shore, 3 at night, rest in the day
meggieportyou follow a treasure map after you get surf