There is currently an MMO event going on: Grimvale Graveyard!
Current users
Jext ★, antigone, ABisLost, Koshawn, L_Tanuki, Greywhoose, Kyemon, DravynLeCrux, YoungSheldon, whatamidoing12, Fengerr, yukizo, Paperboy012305, meggieport, GoobyMcWbr, DrakenSilver, Chronchan42, maikoherrera, Scavenger, Harlequin4sloth, PatchOfHope, Hilltop_Zephyr, AlterZwei, Rolmane, SanguineSol, rebar, LiquidOoze, tetrislicious, Toadstool, Valeskazf_TV, envychimera, Bern, Culex64, CHAINSAWPRTY, FlyyingBeagle, gummi, PugnaciousTrig, HOSHINO, Osyne, Ungie_Bungie, Warf12, PaladinSan, Megaspacewaffles, BaskOfSoftKitty
Primalnot the graveyard, unless you want a map dedicated to puzzles that is
IcymossRica, and kanto are good classic gym types
Primaldo you want to see fakemons?
Basiiilthe graveyard :v
PaladinSanwhat region should i explore first?
Icymossnp np
PaladinSantrhank you, found the last one
Icymoss1 in market, 1 to the right of the market, 2 south
PaladinSani cant find the final assistant
PrimalJext truly keeps the lore true as it can be
meggieportLOL yeah
ThisPumpkini love the added lore this version of kanto adds, like blue inheriting his grandfather's dementia
KetsubanXDYou mean the room where both doors out are locked?
Icymossjust invisable tps lol
meggieporti just joined bc it finally appeared on mine lol
DrakenSilverboy howdy do I not get the rooms after the ice puzzle
PrimalMhm and now we have 100
IcymossI know the name doesnt show up on the players online, and azria CAN do that :eyes:
PrimalAnd I see no reason to doubt such claim
PrimalSomeone claimed that was azria's alt
Icymoss#99s name...
Caladbolg1 more before Jane obliterates it
Primal99 people on demon team!? wHAT?
PaladinSanan i got to say those level up animations are amazing
Primalbasil u gotta earn max totem lvl
Basiiilim tired of running
Primalha 5th place
Basiiilhow can i get the bike in easter island :'u
DrexTruction5th place tho
DrexTructionI am already in team demon
Primalwe could argue you left the team so another person could earn the shiny
CaladbolgNow go for the outfit
PaladinSani would love it if we could do all the movement and interactions with just the mouse
DrexTructioncan't really complain about that
DrexTructionbut I got a shiny first
DrexTructionI was tryna get number 1 of the banshees
IcymossCYA and GN Drex
Primalu sicko
Primalg night drex
DrexTructionI've done the crypt like 14 times today
Icymossthink it popped off after people played it
MegaspacewafflesPokerogue and engine should collab
DrexTructionI think Imma go sleep
ThisPumpkinyeah i also found out about this site not long after pokerogue
PaladinSanthanks everyone
Primaldang mega beat me
PrimalIf you ever stuck let us know
IcymossYo waffles
MegaspacewafflesIf you need anytjing let us know
MegaspacewafflesWelcome man!
PaladinSannever finished one though
PrimalYou're gonna love this site then
PaladinSanim a big fan of romhacks
Icymossmine was youtube off of a pokerouge video
Caladbolg^ same
PrimalBut I'm happy I did
PaladinSanyes, seems really fun so far
PrimalI am not sure how I got here
meggieporti think that's where i found out about it
IcymossHell yea! Its pretty rad
PrimalEnjoying it?
PaladinSanjust saw the game on youtube a sec ago
PrimalHi paladin
IcymossYo Paladin
PrimalIcy :gun:
meggieportv funny icy
meggieportthat would explain So Much about my life
Icymossbet people were dying to get in there...
whyisitalwaysdarknidoran evolving les go now i can get my lvl 16 nidoking
Primaland thats where you got cursed by  a passing ghost
meggieportLOL yes. honestly, one of my favorite places to go and think was a playground that was right next to a famous cemetery in the middle of the city
Icymossooohhh thats a pretty city
Primalhuh, googled that city, one of the first pictures are from a cemetery
Primalsavanah georgia?
KetsubanXD...I got stuck again- man am I bad at remembering these dead ens
meggieporti say haunted, but I never saw ghosts, it's just notorious and has a lot of spooky history
Primalbut you always use it
IcymossI like the gun emote right now hehe
Primalcome on icy stop trying to shoot your president
ThisPumpkinand i guess technically the items for the fair are required to bring peace to their former owners so idk
meggieportsavannah ga!
KetsubanXDHeirs or lack thereof, but yeah that makes sense Drex