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KillergunfuryMt Moon time
Killergunfuryomg i get a jigglypuff first encounter and now i cant find one
Tripb85tbh you could say the same for every region lol
nihilityreversed type chart would be hella easy
ZeroStarKaiyeah, that would be really easy
Tripb85i meant like kanto with inverse type mathcups tho
nihilitywhy is his level so high?!
Tripb85imagine your first experience of pokemon and the literal first thing you do is fight the champ before you get out of bed
insumesstill x4 weak to fighting
nihilitykanto backwards as in champion first or gym reversed?
insumesthat gets rid of the main weakness
insumesharshalker, the rock dark with earth eater?
ZeroStarKaikanto backwards
Tripb85what did you think i meant
Tripb85charizard/a grass type for blaine
ZeroStarKaioh that's what you mean by inverse kanto
Tripb85hitmons for koga
Tripb85one of the hitmons for sabrina
Tripb85gyarados or something for erika
Veldan_yo how do i up happiness real fast? i need to evolve a happiness mon :(
ZeroStarKaiinverse kanto would be really easy and also impossible
Tripb85charmander demolishes first 2 gyms and then catch a flying mon for surge
Tripb85inverse kanto would be so woopering easy
Tripb85i just realized
Killergunfurydie or die
Tripb85die or dont
ZeroStarKainah that starmie is going to steamroll you
Killergunfurydie or win*
ZeroStarKaiyou're underleveled
EonArisencall that sink or swim
Killergunfuryjust in time to fight misty
Killergunfurymy charmander is about to evolve
groovyshoesoh sleep talk just doesnt work
EonArisenim actually wearing some rn. i look like the lesbian flag
EonArisenomg those stupidly-long sillyband chains
Killergunfuryi managed to interlock 2 together once
EonArisenthat rayquaza's like a shooting star
EonAriseni was gonna say WOW
Killergunfuryi agree with eon for once
EonArisenwe should bring back sillybandz
MajorKiwifor me
MajorKiwithe e4 was easy
groovyshoeshelps me grind for the e4 i guess
MajorKiwiik that was happening to me
LuckyClover777I just hit a Magnitude 10 after surviving a critical hit Confusion from a Kadabra
groovyshoeswhy am i always able to just infinitely fight the kanto rival
MajorKiwicelsiuc btw
Killergunfuryyou all failed
MajorKiwilike yesterday when it was 27*
Killergunfuryits Youngster Joey
MajorKiwii only wear them when it is hot
EonArisenexcuse you my shorts are hella comfy
Killergunfurythat wasnt the question
Tripb85idk what im supposed to do after i get strength lol
ZeroStarKaiI hate shorts with a passion
Killergunfurywho likes shorts because they are "comfy and easy to wear"
RezzyTheGamera masquerain just survived a stab 4x rock blast from regirock
Killergunfuryi got a question for everyone
Tripb85she called my chimchar turtwig
MajorKiwidawn kept calling my turtwig a chimchar
Depankerno fishing on hoenn for now?
RezzyTheGamerI'm in discord vc if anyone wants to join
Tripb85truly a moment
Tripb85are you doing battle factory
RezzyTheGamersquawkability just one shot my volcanion with a crit
Tripb85TIL vaporeon can learn strength for some reason? lol
Tripb85all but my hakamo-o
NixcelpixHey, thats very nice!
Tripb85most of my mons are fully evolved now
Tripb85i made pretty good progress in centennial valley
Tripb85im doing good
NixcelpixHow are everyone in this day?
Tripb85hi nix
NixcelpixHello everyone
Killergunfuryi beat brock
RezzyTheGamerwhat move did you softlock on?
LuckyClover777Bro my clefable hit a single on -4 acc
groovyshoeswhy i softlock in an elite four battle ughhhhh
RezzyTheGamernpc's are op
Killergunfuryand then he hits a magnitude 9