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Zigzalreload the page
ViralMagnumTyphlosorta, the lady in the wildroot inn trade it to you for a specific mon that can be adquired at the church
LoreMotiveIs Whud late game?
ViralMagnumTyphlobecause competitive
Tripb85is this scripted
LoreMotiveI want a whud
Tripb85why do voltorb always thunderbolt or thunder wave when i try to protect but uses self destruct when i dont
LoreMotiveHow do I get a Whud
ViralMagnumTyphlosalmonic swap forms with crescent water
Tripb85ok wtf
ViralMagnumTyphlosalmonic neinhart
Exer So many of my attacks
Neinhartin borovia, what mon has its form changed via crescent water?
ExerWhy do i miss
Zigzalmagic guard
Tripb85what ability is it
Zigzali think i might just grab a new one
ViralMagnumTyphlomake it a toxic status problem hazard
Zigzalits atk is 2
ViralMagnumTyphlomake it a physical attacker then
LoreMotiveIs there a bicycle in Harsholme?
Zigzalmy clefairy has 0 sp atk iv;s
ViralMagnumTyphloi'm not sure!
ViralMagnumTyphloi think it's the only one you can get in the region
Tripb85what happens after you do the eeveelution trial
ZeroStarKaiif it isn't rare, feed it to the sun
LoreMotiveIts this region's version of Chansey
ViralMagnumTyphlois those harsholme nurses pokemon
ViralMagnumTyphlois not a chansey
ZeroStarKaigod help you if you try to find a chansey by any natural means
ZeroStarKaiif he's abandoning a chansey egg he's making a mistake
ViralMagnumTyphlocan i have it then?
ViralMagnumTyphlobut that nurse is cool
LoreMotiveImma abandon this egg
ViralMagnumTyphloi guess it's one of those nurse pokemons that been healing you so far
LoreMotiveCan someone tell me what hatches from this thing
ViralMagnumTyphloi live under a rock lksdlksd
ViralMagnumTyphloi always remember being weaker cause i played the old games, the lower speed was a bonus that let you for example in squirtle, use withdraw after or something
LoreMotiveWhat hatches from this egg in Wilderoot?
+Pyrrasububble used to be weaker but at some point they buffed it to equal water gun
ViralMagnumTyphlobeside, when you already playing with team battles you left far behind bubble
LoreMotiveMaybe the pokemon has ptsd whenever the bubble pops
LoreMotiveIts iconic
ViralMagnumTyphloif you burst a single bubble, how the hecc it hit multi targets?
LoreMotiveWater Gun is a classic move though
ViralMagnumTyphloif you burst different bubbles it makes sense
ZeroStarKaiwater gun is just bad
ZeroStarKaibubble is a multitarget, speed lowering special type water move
LoreMotiveI think I got scammed
ViralMagnumTyphlocan't remember
ViralMagnumTyphlobubble i think it does the same ammount of damange as water gun? plus lows speed
ViralMagnumTyphlowatergun is just water special damange
ViralMagnumTyphlostill has a small chance to slow speed
LoreMotiveRunning aint working on this damn egg
Icymosswater pulse >:)
ViralMagnumTyphlobubble beam is sighly more powerfull
ZeroStarKaiwater gun is bubble but bad
ZeroStarKaibubble beam
Tripb85is water gun or bubble beam better
LoreMotiveHis daughter prolly has social anxiety she doesnt want to meet me
Tripb85oddly specific but ok
IcymossLund has the same drip as my college gay friend
ViralMagnumTyphlotake care of his kids, took care of the island, of the townsfolk, he rocks
ViralMagnumTyphlowhy not? Lund is a role father model
ViralMagnumTyphlothey're not ordinary fishes toh
LoreMotiveWhy is everyone simping on Lund
ngoomieyou know what that means! FISH
Icymossglob bobs
Tripb85i mean definitely a strange choice
Zigzalpikachu learned thunderbolt so i can evolve it
Tripb85wtf why can manectric learn flamethrower
Tripb85i might
Zigzallets  goooooo
ZeroStarKaiDo people USE manectric?
Tripb85er manectric
LoreMotiveWhat hatches from it anyway? I got an Egg in Wilderoot
Tripb85does electrike have good coverage
ZeroStarKaiturn on auto run and get to steppin
Icymossthen legs are the king
LoreMotiveThere are no bikes in Wilderoot
Icymosssunnyside UP
Icymossbike/run = faster eggs
LoreMotiveOh okay
Icymossits by step so yes