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xsweatersxi did not. i tried. after fishing up like 20 sealver i quit hahha
ZukukuzuRandom Aether Foundation grunt
samwichconlimonduh. I am trash cult leader
Exerdid u do the trash quest
samwichconlimonwhen you go right for key, go left or down instead
xsweatersxi wish i had a larger attention span. i can not shiny hunt. or grind much at all. makes me wanna kms. but i love the harsholme mons and i want shinies of all of em
nihilitywhich direction
nihilitywhere in undergrowth
samwichconlimonusb is protected by a fragrantick, seen in overworld
xsweatersxthe usb stick is also in the undergrowth in case you havent finished that quest
nihilityoop i found the mushroom nvm i got this
samwichconlimonthen keep moving in that direction
ZukukuzuOkay, funny bug happening to me
nihilityoh ok i think im in that direction
xsweatersxwell. starting from the top, going right and down
xsweatersxthe key is when you chase that mushroom guy right? its bottom right of the area i believe
samwichconlimonI will leave the chapel rn and show you.
nihilityi can still look for it myself
nihilityif u want to
nihilityi mean
samwichconlimondo you want me to show you?
Killergunfuryits in my as- i mean its in the ocean
nihilityi mean key
nihilitywhere tf is this damned tree
ZeroStarKaialright then
NyraKytedont worry till after elite 4 win
ZeroStarKaiand an invisible blockade
ZeroStarKaiThere is a column of cut trees
ZeroStarKaiCeledon city
samwichconlimononce I beat harsholme, I will probably try the safari zone stuff. then either retro kanto or borovia
nihility@lottie its rare but it wont matter cuz the fifth safari isnt finished
samwichconlimonI remember 3 i think?
Rayweni guess the prof fights you two times
xsweatersxoh lmao
samwichconlimonthe rival is the proffessor
xsweatersxdamn no rival in rica? groundbreaking!
LottieSpicedoes anyone know how to get impidimp in the solemn snowpark?
samwichconlimonlmk when you enter the chapel so I can show you where the dimwraith egg is
Raywenlike you get it in the main story
Raywennihility, theone in harsholme is story locked
samwichconlimonI can show you where if you want
NyraKytefollow the funguys
samwichconlimonit is gifted
ZeroStarKaiI'm in Kanto, so lvl 25
nihilityis the chapel key in a pokeball or is it hidden
samwichconlimondepends which eevee. It should also get baby doll eyes
ZeroStarKaithank god I have rare candies
ZeroStarKaiok, looking at the site, Eevee learns charm at 29
Raywencrazy since that thing is lvl 60 lmao
Killergunfurygo say hi tothe togepi
Raywenok thx
Raywendoes the story go on in easter island after defeating the big bird
samwichconlimon54 leilyne so far
ZeroStarKaiEevee obtained
samwichconlimonsoothe bell no work
ZukukuzuWelp, error when I caught Roggenrola, poor Roggenrola
ZukukuzuUp to 2 gyms atm
xsweatersxalso, think im gonna try rica. how done is that?
xsweatersxdoes the soothe bell work yet? i didnt see it in the update but that would be a good get from battle points
ZukukuzuInteresting, my game glitches out when I try to switch mons
XiterokIs there any plotpoint about the child in front of Twitch Grave calling it "mama"?
ZeroStarKaiman grinding friendship takes forever
ZukukuzuHola sweater
Killergunfuryhello sweaters
xsweatersxand chat
xsweatersxhello killer
ZukukuzuI'm gonna stock up on balls then come back
NyraKyteyeah. in the cave
ZukukuzuIn Draeguntale?
NyraKytedid you find the secret trainer in the dragoncove place thiny
NyraKyteno its not surf thingy. a lady on the dock takes you. i dont necessarily remember how you unlock her tho
IcymossBrah I started typing that before you said shoot me now lol
ZukukuzuOh that's easy, I already got one
ZeroStarKaiit's probably something like "bring in a surf mon via global PC"
Icymossand this gun I found
Killergunfuryok you can shoot me now
Killergunfurythrough sheer effort?
ZukukuzuI'm in Draeguntale
ZukukuzuWait how does one get to Effort Island?
LeafuI'm gonna do it with my boy grimfernal
Killergunfurynow beat him 30 more times
Killergunfurynice Leafu
ZeroStarKaias an AG player I love having fun with stuff that is in no way optimal
LeafuWoohoo, I beat Voltenstein
nihilityi love competitive pokemon
ZeroStarKairun any sandstorm mon as a sacrifice and you have something that not only has options but out speeds anything under 500 speed
ZeroStarKaiSand rush assault vest max speed houndstone could honestly be a decent threat
IcymossBlissy in the backwith toxic