There is currently an MMO event going on: Grimvale Graveyard!
Current users
Jext ★, Rainbeon, AlterZwei, SanguineSol, DrakenSilver, maikoherrera, antigone, ABisLost, Capsule, Fuzzy, Fengerr, rocketleaf67, GoobyMcWbr, kyledove ★, Yin17, Precascer, LinnyLinLin, Greywhoose, Toadstool, Pickles1990, YoungSheldon, meggieport, Onyx009, Chronodynasty, Ori364, Megaspacewaffles, yukizo, Koshawn, Paperboy012305, RedStardust, skur ★, Scavenger, Skyemoure, MrX69420, Zam-Touden, Icymoss, Emilycubed, Alro, SDX539, Tacuzzu, Xianir, Zombiegmng, Entropynines, Ruru, Vensi, Valeskazf_TV, Syk0, Xiterok, Xarrin, NoxMarcelo, ad11, Atur, L_Tanuki, rebar, Dexforitas, Tordrago, Warf12, Nixcelpix, toastyjammy, Leonblanka, oneothercr, 0verL0rd, Rolmane, Date_Butter, Mwilley007, Rainwishes12349, Jellyrose, ilsu333, Mattmew, LightDiablo, Little_Wheat, Ascelin, ItsAsdru
✏JaneJewelAccording to my math, yes.
DrexTruction5 is such an odd number to miss
UnknownMongreloh thanks!
demonycwas i suppose to only have 200?
DrexTructionhow curious
PaxnarI was here
samwichconlimonmongrel, it can remember rock smash
demonycyep 201
samwichconlimonisn't it a shiny fangrief?
UnknownMongrelwhat do you do once you get the guy?
demonyci need that shiny charmander
Paxnarok so do I jump over the ledge below two coffins?
demonyclet me check again
demonycmaybe i did the matsh wrong
demonyci think
Paxnaroh I rejoined and it's not locked anymore
demonyci have 201, you are missing at least 5
DrexTructionidk if I missed 4
DrexTructiondemon, I have exactly 196 items
demonycgotta go dat
samwichconlimonthe statue is not the way out. I don't remember how to unlock the door
DrexTructionthat's not intentional, I imagine
DrexTructiondod you get it, Jane?
Paxnarhow do I move the statue
Paxnarand the only exit is locked
Paxnaruhh the statue is back and I can't move past it
demonycis there a bug?
samwichconlimonprobably a puzzle in the room
samwichconlimonthen head right/left, depending on what is available. eventually, you will find the invisible maze
Paxnarwhy is the door locked now.
samwichconlimonhead back to where you fought zorua
DrexTructiongive me 3 minutes
DrexTructionalright, now I'm gonna go to the room of the bug
✏JaneJewelThe paths fork a lot.
Paxnarpushed the lever so it says go
✏JaneJewelTo make people mingle.
samwichconlimonhe can use every tm thp
Paxnarso I did the statue thing
DrexTructionso why in the last room the order is ghoul, banshee, phantom, demon
ProfessorPthats why it has grief in its name
ProfessorPbro exists to be a HM slave
DrexTructionso outside, from left to right, the crypts are phantom, demon, ghoul, banshee
DrexTructionaside from the bug, I have a little question
demonycdrex how many itens you hve?
samwichconlimoncan someone else go find and help this guy, I don't have the memory to figure out where he is
DrexTructionJane, you still there?
Paxnarbut you can't go anywhere after the statue
samwichconlimonafter the first lever
Paxnarafter the statue?
DrexTructionahh, feels good to be the first
samwichconlimondown, all the way to the left or right from wherever you are.
Basiiilmmm skelleton arrow
Paxnarand where's the invisible maze
Paxnardark maze is the one with vines correct?
samwichconlimonI don't remember much between statue and invisible maze
Paxnarok wait
Paxnarso the 2nd one is right after invisible maze or?
samwichconlimoninvisible maze and dark maze are different
samwichconlimonpast the statue
Paxnarok wait where's the first one
samwichconlimonpast the invisible maze room
Paxnarwhere's the 2nd lever then?
Primalinvisible tiles?
samwichconlimonnothing in dark maze, just get through it
Paxnarin the pitch black labyrinth
samwichconlimonfirst or second?
Basiiilthe invisible maze
★Azriathats tough
samwichconlimonwhich lever?
Primalover there
Paxnarok can you like give a general direction of where the lever in the labyrinth is
DrexTructionthe banshees speak of diamonds, for example
DrexTructioneach sign will lead you to a different coloured stone
samwichconlimonmakes sense
DrexTructionalso they're technically not the same
antigoneI started translating one and they're the same as the english.
DrexTructionit changes depending on your team
samwichconlimonyou don't need to. the only one you can enter is in english
DrexTructionthere's 4 signs, one of them is in english
Primalyou dont need to read latin