There is currently an MMO event going on: Grimvale Graveyard!
Current users
Jext ★, Rainbeon, AlterZwei, SanguineSol, DrakenSilver, maikoherrera, antigone, ABisLost, Capsule, Fuzzy, Fengerr, rocketleaf67, GoobyMcWbr, kyledove ★, Yin17, Precascer, LinnyLinLin, Greywhoose, Toadstool, Pickles1990, YoungSheldon, meggieport, Onyx009, Chronodynasty, Ori364, Megaspacewaffles, yukizo, Koshawn, Paperboy012305, RedStardust, skur ★, Scavenger, Skyemoure, MrX69420, Zam-Touden, Icymoss, Emilycubed, Alro, SDX539, Tacuzzu, Xianir, Zombiegmng, Entropynines, Ruru, Vensi, Valeskazf_TV, Syk0, Xiterok, Xarrin, NoxMarcelo, ad11, Atur, L_Tanuki, rebar, Dexforitas, Tordrago, Warf12, Nixcelpix, toastyjammy, Leonblanka, oneothercr, 0verL0rd, Rolmane, Date_Butter, Mwilley007, Rainwishes12349, Jellyrose, ilsu333, Mattmew, LightDiablo, Little_Wheat, ItsAsdru, Ascelin, Bern
samwichconlimoncanary with denim is color math
Primalare you on mobile lucifer?
Ganbare-LuciferLavender Dungeon
samwichconlimonyou can turn on autorun
UnknownMongrelwhat is with this bird in jeans
Ganbare-Luciferlike you can't press right when you run and jump at the same time
DrexTructionwhere you at, Lucifer?
samwichconlimonthe second delay after respawning where you can move but not jump?
DrexTructionhehe, I got my 4 outfits
Ganbare-LuciferI can't seem to explain it but there's an imput bug
PrimalThank god mod Drex is here :)
DrexTructionwant me to help you, Lucifer?
samwichconlimonit is a skill issue. become more skilled
demonyci mean 5 hours its a lot
samwichconlimonno. struggle like everyone else
Ganbare-LuciferI've been trying for 5 hours to jump
demonyci actually reset the region 4 times to get them all but noticed it when entereing it gain
samwichconlimonshe mentioned removing it earlier
Ganbare-Lucifersome mod pls teleport me to the burried alive
$LarrelShe knows it
DrexTructionafter I get my outfits
DrexTructionlet her patch it
demonycactually im not sure if thats intended or not
demonycyou will have a chance to choose again
DrexTructionI am already first here
$LarrelI mean you could reset to a less popular team and try to get first there lol
demonycyou can leave the region and go back
Igluyou just need to leave and come back for the outfits
samwichconlimonyou can just leave and reenter the region (unless jane removed that already?
QuackQuackAttackY'all hid stuff in very hidden places XD
demonyctheres so many people on my team a im a liltle scared
DrexTructionthe ones that go with the hot dog guy
DrexTructionI won't get the other 3 outfits, will I?
DrexTructionif I don't reset more
samwichconlimonI know I didn't
samwichconlimonmost will probably not try to explore the whole dungeon
DrexTructionif not I will not hesitate to reset
demonychopefully people will be unlucky :sob:
demonycgot a lilttle luckier then you then
DrexTructionso it works for me
DrexTructionless than you, but more than my team
samwichconlimoncanary puzzle is color math
MIX_Of_EEVEEhey guy what do I do with the cook basculin fish in borovia
DrexTruction52 coins, 88 necklaces and 61 crown
demonyclike in totl
samwichconlimontip: face the direction you want to go before you jump
AlterZweicant seem to interact with the colors on the floor ngl
ProfessorPand no clue on the canary puzzle
demonycjust out of curiosity can you show whch you get?
DrexTructionyup, 201
ProfessorPthis thing keeps freezing n bugging
samwichconlimonlavender dungeon?
Ganbare-LuciferI HATE THIS MAP
demonycdid you finde the room
DrexTructionI found my items
DrexTructiontheory confirmed
samwichconlimonfrankly, I have a few skins I like, I don't really need the skin
DrexTructionwithout giving up the shiny
DrexTructionyeah, kinda hard to get the skin now
demonycnext time maybe teams should be random
samwichconlimonyeah, evil got hands
demonycthe demons are already ay 50 members damn
samwichconlimonthere is a jumping puzzle right before it
samwichconlimonthen keep going, it is at the other end
Paxnarwell I've clearly been here bc I can't interact with vases
demonyceven found an extra one???
demonycgood to know i didnt miss any tho
DrexTructionhuh, I have a theory
DrexTructioncause I doubt I left a vase unchecked after checking one
Paxnarzorua room
DrexTructionI need to check what room has 5 vases
DrexTructiondon't worry, Azria, I have every single room documented
Paxnarwhere do I go after I jump off the ledge
DrexTructionI love my 4k x 4k pixels map
★Azriai went thru every path to make sure i collected all treasures
samwichconlimonkeep going to the right/left. one end of the hallway that you fought zorua in has the maze
★Azriathere are multiple rooms that look the same
demonycits kinda hard to know wher the extra one could be
demonycthats weird
demonycmaybe one you though was impossuble to get is possible
Paxnarboth doors lead to places I already went in
DrexTructionso should the total be 200?
demonycno way