There is currently an MMO event going on: Grimvale Graveyard!
Current users
Jext ★, SanguineSol, antigone, ABisLost, Yin17, Koshawn, L_Tanuki, Hoshiki, rebar, Ruru, Rainbeon, DrakenSilver, DomTSVG, Megaspacewaffles, antoniosafe, Laphi, GoobyMcWbr, Greywhoose, Kyemon, Scavenger, DravynLeCrux, DigiDragoon, YoungSheldon, whatamidoing12, JackDeAngelis, Warf12, Fengerr, yukizo, Paperboy012305, Pisani, PaladinSan, maikoherrera, Date_Butter, Valeskazf_TV, AlterZwei, rocketleaf67, SunnyWanderer, TGAnole55, Harlequin4sloth, Mudkip1theBattle, TrainerWii, Xalim, meggieport, PrinceLatios, MIX_Of_EEVEE, VrtaS, GooseSupreme, Rolmane, Skyemoure, Icymoss, QuackQuackAttack, Roborii99, Nikey21, qriy, Kenchito, PatchOfHope, Primal, hazmutt, Bern
Basiiildelete all demos then
samwichconlimonbruh, there is no way demons lose at this point. unless a ton more players pick the game up for this and don't pick demons
PrimalDemons will win anyways
PrimalThere's no challenge
UnknownMongrelinvis room has been mapped
demonyccmon demons we hve to win
✏JaneJewelGuess you could have a whole team.
demonyci need an actual demon skin
DrexTructionI'm transfering this level 2 hoot hoot I want for nothing
samwichconlimonand cut, of course
demonycyeah it asks after the outfit
samwichconlimonI transfered in a mon with surf, rock smash, and strength
DrexTructionjust had to reload
DrexTructionok, now it asks me
✏JaneJewelDrex? Nothing?
Paxnarok I did not enjoy this lol, I was supposed to be asleep 3.5 hours ago bye people and thanks for helping
DrexTructionno, but I want to
samwichconlimondid you take it out already?
DrexTructionif I don't have a mon with rock smash and strength I get locked out
DrexTructionthe problem is the starter, limon
demonycit worked for me before
samwichconlimonit ain't hard to return to basement, you don't need to hit levers or anything
Basiiilyou dont wanna be top 10, to much preassure
demonyclet me try again
DrexTructionalright, let me try to reload
✏JaneJewelDid you reset?
✏JaneJewelYou finished, right?
Paxnarthe spooky number
QuackQuackAttackSame Antigone same
samwichconlimonreload the page
PaxnarI'm #13 cool
samwichconlimonyou don't. only your ranking on the site
DrexTructionno, I get asked to pick a costume and nothing else
Paxnarhow do I know my points
✏JaneJewelNo, Drex?
samwichconlimonhard agree tho that teams should be randomly assigned
Segariomudkiping puzzle
samwichconlimonI think asking for help is you have no idea how to deal with the puzzle is a valid question
DrexTructionI don't get asked the basement question
✏JaneJewelBut some people just want to finish it.
✏JaneJewelYes, it is kind of pointless to play this region if you dont take on the puzzles...
Paxnarwhy undertale music...
samwichconlimonwhen you reenter, after skin selection, it asks if you want to go to gate or basement
✏JaneJewelLet people play however they want or feel like it.
samwichconlimonthat one requires game knowledge. you couldn't even relearn moves a few months ago.
DrexTructionok, so how do I enter the basement?
GalactidotI had no idea I could leave the region with him
samwichconlimoneh, some are pretty clear.
DrexTructionit's a puzzle
Primalthat is a puzzle itself
DrexTructionnone of them are
samwichconlimonit is not a clear next step
GalactidotI see what you mean drex, sorry
DrexTructionbut are you gonna ask what to do every single step?
DrexTructiongalactidot, I don't mind helping you from time to time
samwichconlimonit can relearn rock smash
GalactidotGot fangrief what now
samwichconlimonback to ff
Paxnaroh ok
samwichconlimonwhichever one has your group on it
Ganbare-Luciferaaaaaay I ran out of money
DrexTructionif it says try again it's cause you hit it while the timer was still going
Paxnarok so after rocks there are three doors, in which one do I go
samwichconlimonI heard someone say it was timed?
DrexTructionwhen it says Go, you gotta run to the door in the lower room
demonycidk just goooooooooooo
envychimerahey so anyone know whats up with the "try again" "go!" lever?
Paxnarok then
demonycits probably like appletree or something
samwichconlimona herd of buffalo
samwichconlimonit is, to my knowledge
DrexTructionunless the plural of buffalo is buffalo
DrexTructionbut a buffalo buffaloes
samwichconlimonconjugation is for nerds
demonycmakes sense
demonyci buffalo you buffalo they buffalo
samwichconlimonanimal is noun. so is place, but still
samwichconlimonenglish, we don't conjugate bidoof
demonycand an animal no?
DrexTructionhow do you conjugate buffalo
samwichconlimonnot a clue, but apparently buffalo is a place, a noun, a verb, and an adjective
DrexTructionhow is that a sentence
Primal"Of all sad words of tongue or pen, the saddest are these, 'It might have been." - John Greenleaf Whittier
Primalpp dont leave