There is currently an MMO event going on: Grimvale Graveyard!
Current users
Jext ★, SanguineSol, antigone, ABisLost, Yin17, Koshawn, L_Tanuki, Hoshiki, rebar, Ruru, Rainbeon, DrakenSilver, DomTSVG, Megaspacewaffles, antoniosafe, Laphi, GoobyMcWbr, Greywhoose, Kyemon, Scavenger, DravynLeCrux, DigiDragoon, YoungSheldon, whatamidoing12, JackDeAngelis, Warf12, Fengerr, yukizo, Paperboy012305, Pisani, PaladinSan, maikoherrera, Date_Butter, Valeskazf_TV, AlterZwei, rocketleaf67, SunnyWanderer, TGAnole55, Harlequin4sloth, Mudkip1theBattle, TrainerWii, Xalim, meggieport, PrinceLatios, MIX_Of_EEVEE, VrtaS, GooseSupreme, Rolmane, Skyemoure, Icymoss, QuackQuackAttack, Roborii99, Nikey21, qriy, Kenchito, PatchOfHope, hazmutt, Capsule, Primal
DrexTructioncrazy how that works
PrimalI wonder if the one who made the region knows how the puzzle works
DrexTructionshe made it
Segarioyou know how the puzzle works?
Primalhf demonyc
demonycwell im going back to rimworld
Segariothe color puzzle
TGAnole55ah hell yeah ice puzzles
DrexTructionI'm gonna do some trial 11 runs before going to sleep
demonycits all hell here
TGAnole55when i saw the demon team on discord i was excited to join the angel team but we arent doin that apparently
PrimalNope, I'll be siting here drinking soda
jetigigJoin Ghouls!
samwichconlimonthen reset and join elsewhere (if that is how it works
demonycpahntoms ghouls and banshees are kinda of all the same if you think about it
PrimalI want challenge and you guys aint enough
samwichconlimonI am fine if they stay seperate, more people in first for their team
PrimalI've been sayin it all day
WetLavaI like the Phantom icon, but I'll join Ghouls to give them a boost
samwichconlimonsays the demon
demonycwe making coalitions now
Primalghouls and phantoms need to join banshees
samwichconlimonbanshees. demons if you wanna win
demonycghouls need more help
WetLavaTo be Phantoms, or to be Ghouls? That is the question...
samwichconlimonghosts making a web feel like a tree so you can't just remove it by hand
Primalthat's rng based!
Primaloh no
demonyci think you shouls settle it with a pvp match, but the first to desyncs loses
✏JaneJewelGhosts tricking you.
Primalperhaps we'd be fighting in spanish the whole way
TGAnole55that cobweb says its a tree o.o
DrexTructionif we were actually fighting we'd be insulting each other's moms in spanish
samwichconlimonyeah, you guys are
demonycbut the puzzle was quite smart, puzzles arent suppose to be super easy anyways imo
✏JaneJewelStop fighting!
Primalhehe we are not jane
✏JaneJewelPlease dont fight.
DrexTructionthat's a lot of words for somebody who can't reach trial 10 of route 0
demonyci think its more of a problem bc people dont ply with sound on
PrimalOne wise man said "thats too fkin bad"
DrexTructionso attack me more, will ya
DrexTructionbut it's a me problem
DrexTructionsince they all suspiciously get stuck right there
DrexTructionme and half the server, apparently
samwichconlimonpart of the point of the initial puzzle was the confusion of colors vs objects.
Primalwe know you dont know your colours
Primalman drex, stop it already xD
demonycif it was just green and blue woudntl even be a puzzle
samwichconlimongoogle was wrong then
demonycyou did well jane
DrexTructionhalf of the colour puzzle's logic is a crazy circus performance
✏JaneJewelGoogle yourself.
samwichconlimonwas indigo listed for blue?
TGAnole55a calculator that does color subtraction
Ganbare-LuciferIs there a way to get money in the Event Room? Anything? A trainer?
✏JaneJewelI googled blue, indigo was there.
DrexTructionyeah, if you know the answer
jetigigI thought the color puzzle was really good
✏JaneJewelI googled green, seafoam was there.
jetigigPretty simple imo
jetigigGreen minus blue = yellow
jetigigIndigo = blue
samwichconlimontreat seafoam as green and indigo as blue (when it should be purple)
jetigigSeafoam = green
✏JaneJewelWhat the hell is a color subtractor?
DrexTructionyeah, using actual colours for the colour math wasn't the best idea
TGAnole55color subtractor literally says seafoam - indigo is white but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
samwichconlimonyou are nearing my record for obliterats
DrexTructionI don't remember well
DrexTructionI'm at like, 1300 Ho-Ohs
PrimalIt might require another 10k who knows
PrimalI'm only at 14009 tunnelids
DrexTructionsays the guy resetting for a golden legendary
TGAnole55seaform without indigo being yellow is absolutely crazy
Primalgood luck to you sickos
demonycits only the first day tho
demonycmy obkective is both :sob:
samwichconlimonbruh, 2 teams have 15. top 30 my ass
DrexTructionnow that my Fangrief has been secured, I'm not worried of resetting if my position is compromised
demonycwe will have to wait and see
DrexTructionmy objective is the shiny
Basiiilthe only solution
envychimerahey how do i attach an image in chat
demonycwe dont know, maybe only the top 30 counts like fuzzy suggested