There is currently an MMO event going on: Grimvale Graveyard!
Current users
Jext ★, antigone, ABisLost, Koshawn, L_Tanuki, Greywhoose, Kyemon, DravynLeCrux, YoungSheldon, whatamidoing12, Fengerr, yukizo, Paperboy012305, meggieport, GoobyMcWbr, DrakenSilver, Chronchan42, maikoherrera, Scavenger, Harlequin4sloth, PatchOfHope, Hilltop_Zephyr, AlterZwei, Rolmane, SanguineSol, rebar, LiquidOoze, Roborii99, tetrislicious, Toadstool, Valeskazf_TV, envychimera, Bern, Culex64, CHAINSAWPRTY, FlyyingBeagle, gummi, PugnaciousTrig, HOSHINO, BaskOfSoftKitty, Osyne, Ungie_Bungie, Megaspacewaffles, Warf12, Snack
SlyisJayRaccoonsomone lend me a hand pls
Count_Fapulai'm at 1022 licki twirls and no shinies
Count_Fapulaanything at this point
Persnickityhey count what u hunting?
SlyisJayRaccoonwhat do i do in the room with the lever
Raynardi am def missing something somewhere
Count_Fapulathank you!
Paperboy012305That's it's just for trolling I guess.
$LarrelWhat do you think is the answer
Paperboy012305Unless that's just for trolling.
Paperboy012305How do you get to the other door room that's at least 3 tiles down the vines?
rebarbottom of the island
Count_Fapulai could use the help matt
rebarlittle shop below the pokecenter
ThisPumpkinwhere do you buy balls in the hub again?
✏mattgcnif anyone needs to evolve their shiny pop lmk, i would like to evolve mine
✏mattgcnyeah i have like 6 of them
rebari check every day
rebari've never seen it
rebari don't think so
pkluver944citation needed though
pkluver944I think the rotating shop at HUB sells it?
rebarcause i dont think you can once the event ends
rebarmake sure to grab a whipped dream before the events over so you can evolve it
✏mattgcnyay shiny lickipop obtained
LightDiablohow does the prize get distributed in team?
LightDiablook in u go my hm slave :)
Volcanronwhich means i missed one. somewhere
✏mattgcni think 205 is possibly not all of them too, its just the most any of the testers had at any point
Volcanronsolo pots dont spawn
Volcanronmax is 205
Paperboy012305Don't understand.
Volcanronthere arent any solo pots
Paperboy012305How is that an Oh no?
Volcanroni have 204 now
Volcanron...oh no
✏mattgcninvisible falling maze my beloathed
TGAnole55absolutely evil >:(
LightDiablothx bask
Paperboy012305I wonder if there's even any pots in the dark room with the vines.
TGAnole55oh of course the entire place is mirrored EXCEPT the invisible falling maze
LightDiablohelp matt
Icymossrad bed time for me, ty jane and everyone who made it ^^
Paperboy012305You lose those points.
Icymossfor more
Icymossif i reset will it still count?
✏mattgcni have an idea what area they might be in
✏mattgcnim like 12 short i think
Volcanronsame here
Paperboy012305Oh, looks like I'm missing 3 more.
Toadstool205 of what? or total?
✏mattgcnthe most anyone has shown is 205 i think
Paperboy01230599 Golden Necklaces, 53 Golden Crowns and 49 Golden Coins.
✏mattgcnwhats yr total
Paperboy012305Well I believe I found all the golden items in the pot.
Paperboy012305I see, I guess it's to avoid an exploit where I can get infinite escape ropes through Global PC where I have a mon hold an escape rope where I don't have any at all in my inventory where I actually do.
Paperboy012305Do the golden items only count in earning points?
SlyisJayRaccoonnvm im stupid
SlyisJayRaccoonhow do i get past the rooms with the 8 boulders, where one of them looks like L
TGAnole55OH THERES MORE SWITCHES this makes sense now lol
Raynardthere's switches in the room its in and the room under it
Paperboy012305Yes, try not to press a certain button too far.
TGAnole55how do i make it go forward lol
Raynardif it runs into a wall it gets stuck and you have to reset the puzzle
TGAnole55this puzzle is confusing
TGAnole55why does this statue look right when i press the switch and then not do anything else lol
Raynardbut didn't feel like wasting time after
Raynardi did it the long way the first time just for style points
Paperboy012305Kohaku taught me that one.
✏mattgcni love doing that one
Paperboy012305I love how you can cheese the rooms where they expect you to jump in a singular tile after the next with just two long jumps.
pkluver944or reload the page
pkluver944escape rope?
SlyisJayRaccoonguys I think im trappedin a room
✏mattgcnyeah that ones cranky
✏mattgcnthe light up
Raynardi tp'd crossmap
✏mattgcnthe floor one yeah?