There is currently an MMO event going on: Grimvale Graveyard!
Current users
Jext ★, ABisLost, L_Tanuki, Greywhoose, DravynLeCrux, yukizo, DrakenSilver, maikoherrera, Scavenger, Hilltop_Zephyr, tetrislicious, Valeskazf_TV, Culex64, CHAINSAWPRTY, ShadowKrimson, PatchOfHope, MIX_Of_EEVEE, AlterZwei, antigone, Bern, SanguineSol, Xalim, Zelldrish, Koshawn, whatamidoing12, envychimera, Rolmane, Vanny2024, Harlequin4sloth, LiquidOoze, YoungSheldon, Osyne, franzanth, Fuzzy, Papi, FlameRunner32
AlterZweistill have to farm the candies for the free one tho
AlterZweifound a shiny finally in festival
Paperboy012305I'm off to bed. Gn all.
Paperboy012305I'll be rocking my Allie outfit for now.
Paperboy012305If I can't find any more pots I didn't go through, then I may just be satisfied with the amount I got.
Paperboy012305Well, I think I've done enough here.
Raynardyour fingers will hurt getting enough coins for everything
wrongismgotcha gotcha
Raynardspend pokedollars to get pokemon
wrongismIs the game corner non functional in kanto?
Paperboy012305Gn Volcanron.
Paperboy012305I'm gonna try for at least 2 times then I'll quit.
Volcanronpeace out
Raynardi feel like i'm goin insane tho so i'm quitting here
$LarrelYou can see and reach all pots
Raynardok quick question are there any pots in the dark room
Volcanronan entirely different game
$LarrelNah just missed something somewhere if it is for sure 205
Volcanroncause then its wouldnt be random drops but random amounts
Volcanronthat would make zero sense at all
Paperboy012305Does the max amount depend on the user?
Volcanronloot is random yes
$LarrelBut idk how I missed 4 this time
$LarrelI am almost 99% sure I got 205
Raynardguess loot is rando'd
Volcanronwhich if that's more than you than jesus bidoof i got bidoof rolls
$LarrelYup hmm
Raynardhuh i have 58 crowns
Volcanron102 necklaces, 49 crowns, 53 coins
$LarrelHmmm idk where I missed some
$LarrelYou for sure have 204?
Volcanronand yet im still behind you, so thats my luck at play lmao
Paperboy012305I've been on a hunt for nothing.
Volcanronits at least 204. that's what i have.
AlterZweitime to farm out my pity shiny, forgot about fall festival
Volcanrongonna achievement hunt tomorrow then go for a better score
Paperboy012305So I guess the max IS 201.
Volcanronyeah im out for the night
$LarrelI can rest
$LarrelBack to first
$LarrelI could have swore last time I got 205
Paperboy012305Oh no, I dropped a placement.
Paperboy012305I feel like I have been in every single room.
Raynardvolcanron said he has 204 tho
Paperboy012305Oh really?
$LarrelMaybe I miscalculated lole
$LarrelHmmm this time I got 201
Paperboy012305I didn't think so.
$LarrelThat's not a room you can go into
Paperboy012305They may house the 4 pots I'm missing.
Paperboy012305I don't even know how to get to them.
Paperboy012305The only rooms I haven't checked yet are the rooms that are two tiles away from the vines.
Raynardi know that i haven't interacted with all of them but i've been in every room in the region about 4 times now so either i'm stupid or there's a hidden place that i haven't checked thorougly enough
Paperboy012305No, I feel like I've interacted with every pot, I don't even know where you guys even have any more.
platty hello, i cant exit the menu. Im clcikcing x
$LarrelIt doesn't!
Toadstoolmaybe it also counts more than just treasures :3
SlyisJayRaccoonto anyone whos passed the room with the lever, hel us
Persnickitysorry was doing zzz dailies LOL
Persnickityim barely at 200 and nothing lol
$LarrelI'm pretty confident it is 205 because I map the entire place out
✏mattgcni didnt say it was for sure the max, just the max that had been reported
✏mattgcni'd mentioned it
$LarrelHow do you know the best was 205
Raynardi am vividly confused
BaskOfSoftKittyWhat do you do about the ghost at the end of the vine maze?
Volcanroni have 204
$LarrelI counted 205
$LarrelI guess so
✏mattgcnlarrel were you the only one who got 205
Raynardthe best score is 205
Paperboy012305Still 201.
Raynardyea i've been into every room and it's variant i've made a checklist but i still only have 201
$LarrelHow do you know 4 more
✏mattgcnwhats your total?
Paperboy012305I need to find four more, and I believe I HAVE interacted with every pot.
Raynardbecause i have been
Raynardfeels like i've been goin in circles for the past hour though
Raynardoh then i gotta clutch up and find these last 4
✏mattgcni think jane's plan was to count top players only or something so you cant just numbers it out
Raynardyea like only half of them have to play the rest can afk
Raynarddidn't even look till now
Raynardoh demons are just winning this event huh
✏mattgcndamn thats rough luck