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TheNewKingBretbe like dont stop until you get 4 shinys in one day
Jono1sonOh there's an egg here!
darkeryetdarkerand i hate myself lmao
darkeryetdarker1200 encounters... this is gonna take longer then burrel isn
samwichconlimonit is cool. I will leave when I get the shiny
Jono1sonOh I know where Sam. Lemme come and get you
Zigzalalr thanks
samwichconlimonno clue where it is tho, tapir teleported me into it and I am too scared to leave
Zigzalwhat region is the undergrowth in?
samwichconlimonngl tho, the grotto helps get encounters fast
Jono1sonOh true it ain't
samwichconlimonnot yet, but it gets spore and isn't immune
Jono1sonOh Sam did you get the shiny??
SquareRootOfPotatohit guilotine to itself in confusion
DiamondseekI wish, and heal half my HP at the end of the next turn
EonArisenimagine hitting urself in confusion only to accidentally proc, like, motor drive on yourself
EonAriseni wish that when pokemon hit themselves in confusion it took into account the move it was originally going to use
xsweatersxsorry. done now
xsweatersxguess ill have to revisit the laundry room. only got the lego block and dirthrown
Tripb85ok im getting on that jangmo-o grind again
Diamondseektell me when the evo ends, I can't leave until then or it might force you to reload
xsweatersxthank you
DiamondseekGot it in the laundry room lol
xsweatersxwhat is this monstrocity lol
Tripb85bronzor carbominable brionne eevee sandile and deerling
Tripb85but i have:
Tripb85its gentle not calm
TheNewKingBreti meant like really
Tripb85oh i never boxed my eevee
EonArisenokay then why did you ask what
Tripb85ok im in centennial valley
TheNewKingBreti know >.>
DiamondseekI'm in lab
EonArisenwhen someone says something and then they put /j at the end
xsweatersxwhere you at? im in the lab
EonArisenbret, a tone tag is like
Diamondseeksure sweater
xsweatersxanyone in borovia willing to help trade evo my compella?
EonArisenit's okay! i shouldlve tone tagged it
EonArisenim snarky. can't help it
EonAriseni was joking
TheNewKingBretdude relax
EonArisenim not a guy, so you might need glasses
Tripb85i was gonna show my team
Tripb85eonarisen were you the guy in centennial
EonArisensuper helpful against the guards imo
EonArisenthe wooperin. succulent pokemon. that's like the little grass fairy type
Tripb85who was the guy in centennila valley earlier
EonArisenborovia you can cheese
xsweatersxits what i dislike about borovia right now
EonArisengood luck
EonArisenoh dear
xsweatersxvery little
EonArisenbecause centennial has a weeeeird level curve
Tripb85and lux and ray = luxray
WindScourgethank you i couldnt find it under keys
EonArisensweaters, how much of a grind do you like
Tripb85the neo sinnoh playable character names are lux and ray
EonArisenor well. it can't be that hard
WindScourgewhats the start button on keyboard? i may be blind
xsweatersxi got recommended borovia and i dislike borovia. so maybe that means ill like centenial valley xD
EonArisen(i love centennial valley. i think it's neat. but oh my god. it's not that hard to implement basic qol features)
Tripb85i just noticed something
EonArisenone day the devs will be in front of saint peter and they will have to answer for centennial valley
Sake-KunThe mob guarding it is Lv 45 if I recall.
xsweatersxoh yeah its in the middle i think, maybe lil before or after the middle
Jono1sonHell yeah!
Tripb85ok i assume its gonna be a while before i can get there bc i just started
Jono1sonOooooo new icons!
Raff97thx ^^
xsweatersxthe usb stick is in the undergrowth
samwichconlimondeep in harsholme undergrowth
PG55gonna read a book
Tripb85where is the usb stick
PG55im tired of this shinyhunting stuff
samwichconlimonraff, head back to wildroot assuming you are refering to northern lighthouse
Sake-Kun1 0 0  B U N G U S
samwichconlimonboongus hating on me rn
Raff97guys, in harsholme island, after defeating the guy at the lighhouse, where you have to go?
TheNewKingBretskowl hating me with rn right now
PG55youre shinyhunting Druidune too?
darkeryetdarkerdruidune is bidoofing hating me so much rn