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Tripb85and 4th in sinnoh is crasher wake?
Tripb854th in hoenn is uh flannery
Tripb85the ghost one right
Tripb85whats the 4th gym leader in johto i forget
NixcelpixNot yet
Tripb85not yet
StinkyGoldycan you breed pokemon in this game?
Killergunfuryi hatched a seasnug :)
darkeryetdarker1300 encounters my bidoofing god this is taking longer then the burrel hunt
Zigzalnuh uh
TheNewKingBretperson from the internet get it right
EraserRabbitwhy tf did I come to the seafoam islands with only a few pokeballs?
Zigzalgoodbye person
EonArisenokay got all the teams
TheNewKingBretbye people
Tripb85oh ok nvm then
EraserRabbitThe iceberg appears once you beat the big pink bird
HexbloodNice, first fishing cast in Safari Zone got me a Dratini ^,^
Zigzalwhere the ice stone is
Tripb85someone said you get ice stone at an iceberg but where tf is the iceberg
samwichconlimonokay, gotta head to work. see ya
Zigzali'll get it relatively soon, as i'm leaving cerulean
Zigzalit's ok
Tripb85oh i dont sorry
EraserRabbitOnce you get cut you can go through diglett tunnel, which will take you to the area right before pewter city. You then can walk back to Mt. Moon.
Tripb85i think i might have an extra you can have
samwichconlimonice stone on iceberg
Zigzalthink so yeah
Tripb85oh you cant go back to mt moon until you get fly right
Killergunfurywell wheres the ice stone in easter island?
Zigzalsame, but im a dumb stupid head and forgot to get it in mt moon
EraserRabbitI'm of the the belief that you should use what you like.
Tripb85boxed it tho bc mudkip nature
EraserRabbitIt's not bad, Zig
Tripb85that was one of the first things i got lol
Zigzalthinking about using clefairy on my red/blue team. is it any good?
taerriblety redditor
EonArisenfor me trip, im pretty sure my white whale was chikorita
taerriblekiller get totem lvl 5 then talk to bike guy
AccidentalRedditorinteract with it and kill it
Killergunfuryhow can i get a bike on easter island?
AccidentalRedditorthe totem thing
AccidentalRedditorthe one in the middle of the map
taerriblethe one on the left?
Tripb85still no jangmo-o im going insane
AccidentalRedditordid you fight the big pink bird?
taerriblethe girl by the togepi is still trying to get it to evolve
ClearFoxI have Blue on my 3dS
taerriblei got my totem to lvl 5
EraserRabbitZigzal, I would, but I also have Red
Zigzaloh alright
taerribleold lady?
Tripb85zigzal you can find blue exclusives at night time
AccidentalRedditorand beat up the old lady
Zigzalanyone trading red/blue version exclusives? i've got red
AccidentalRedditoronce you beat the big pink bird speak to the girl by the togepi
EraserRabbitTaerrible, finish the plot on the island.
taerriblehow do i get into the burrow on easter island?
EraserRabbitGoofy water types gotta be my favorite gender
EonAriseni bought repels where the mudkip
EraserRabbitI love them so much
EraserRabbitI finally found a psyduck :'3
EonArisenback on broadway yet again...
Tripb85im going insane over this
Sake-KunActually useful 31 Speed IV on Alle-Allauk. Nice.
xsweatersxah idk that one sorry
Tripb85i swear i literally would release my shiny deerling if it meant i can run into a jangmo-o
xsweatersxin what region
EonArisenhow the burmy do i get rock smash
taerriblehow do i progress easter island?
xsweatersxmostly because hoenn is unfisnished
WylerayI saw no global pc on hoenn. Am I able to take Pokemon from hoenn into my global pc?
Tripb85the regions are still really good without it
xsweatersxnot having global pc just means you use mons from that region. and you unlock global pc after beating the region usually
Tripb85no global pc just means you cant transfer your pokemon between regions
WylerayI need to know if there's any reason to play regions without global pc. Not sure what not having it means.
darkeryetdarkereasiest way is to pray to god
EonArisen'i don't sell bikes, i only repair them' i will steal your cleffaing shoes
samwichconlimonhorde encounters
Killergunfurywhats da easiest way to shiny hunt
EonArisendecimal town
samwichconlimonquiet nature with disguise? sounds good to me boongus
RezzyTheGamerill complete it later
Killergunfurywhere is alder
Zigzalis there a channel in the dc for trading?