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WakoDoodlewhich region?
WakoDoodleI didn't fill out the dex yet though
bopswhat do you get
WakoDoodleI finished them yep
WakoDoodleno idea what you have or haven't done so I just threw info in case; if you did them already I apologise in advance
bopsdid you finish it wako
bopswhat do you get for finishing the pokedex
WakoDoodlekohaku is fast if you can survive route 0 so you'll be fine
WakoDoodleTT is stupid fast
bopsill try to get it for now lol
bopsyeah and i also want to actually play the even
WakoDoodlearound 9-10 days left then
bopsnext weekend ff is gone
bopsthats why
LightDiablodamn this weekend?
bops3rd november
LightDiablohey wako
LightDiabloalso when is ff ending?
bopsbut ill also be gone this weekend
WakoDoodleHeehoo o/
LightDiablogl on it
bopsill be fine
bops1st year
LightDiablofirst year?
LightDiablowhich year?
LightDiablodamn that's nice
LightDiabloand which country is it>
LightDiablowhich course?
LightDiablour in uni?
LightDiabloand what year are u in?
LightDiablowhich one?
bopsnah youre goof
LightDiabloye focus on exams
LightDiablook that was cringe
bopsi have exam on friday
LightDiablojust keep resetting like a pro😎
bopsokay okay
LightDiablowell don't feel bad
bopsi might give up yea
LightDiablou said u gave up
LightDiablowithout hunting
LightDiablou get normal mon
bopsor wdym
bopsfor like gg hunt
bopsor the shiny?
bopslike the normal
LightDiabloand get it from ur global
LightDiabloand then u can leave ff
bopsnah thats no fun
LightDiabloalso make sure u obtain one
LightDiabloor if anyone is willing to trade theirs
bopsbecause i lowkey need sto study for exams
LightDiablowell next year, yes
bopsi can still get it later?
bopsin the fall festival
bopsokay so if i give up on my hunt
LightDiabloand atlas
bopsor is it also in atlas
bopsis nyarn exclusive to fall festival
LightDiabloyes bops?
LightDiablocan u help me take some mons from rica to hub?
bopslight diablo do you know if
LightDiablohey bops
LightDiablodou u have global
bopshi guys
MudkipTheBest18im currently in rica right now
LightDiablogot global?
LightDiablodid u do rica yet?
LightDiablocan someone help me get my mew from rica to hub?
LightDiablotime to grind BP peeps
ILoveCrustleIsaac and his Isaac lived alone in a small Isaac on an Isaac. Isaac kept to himself, drawing Isaacs and playing with his Isaacs as his Isaac watched Christian Isaac on the Isaac. Isaac was Isaac, and they were both Isaac. That was, until Isaac’s Isaac heard an Isaac from Isaac. ‘Your Isaac has become Isaac by Isaac, he needs to be Isaac.’ ‘I will do my best Isaac, my Isaac’, she replied, rushing into Isaac’s Isaac, removing all that was Isaac from his Isaac. Again, the Isaac called Isaac. ‘Isaac’s Isaac is still Isaac. He needs to be cut off from all that is Isaac in his Isaac and confess his Isaacs.’ ‘I will follow your Isaac, I have Isaac in thee’, Isaac’s Isaac replied, as she locked Isaac in his Isaac, away from the Isaacs of the Isaac. One last Isaac, Isaac’s Isaac heard the Isaac of Isaac calling to Isaac. ‘You’ve done as I’ve asked, but I still question your Isaac to Isaac. To prove your Isaac, I will ask one more Isaac of Isaac.’ ‘Yes, Isaac, anything.’ Isaac’s Isaac begged. ‘To prove your Isaac in Isaac, I require Isaac. Your Isaac will be the Isaac. Go into his Isaac, and end his Isaac, as an Isaac to Isaac to prove you Isaac me above all Isaac.’ ‘Yes, Isaac’, she replied, grabbing an Isaac from the Isaac. Isaac, watching through an Isaac in his Isaac, trembled in Isaac. Scrambling around his Isaac to find an Isaac, he noticed an Isaac to the Isaac, hidden under his Isaac. Without Isaac, he flung open the Isaac, just as Isaac burst through his Isaac, and threw himself down into the unknown Isaacs below.
MultiWait what
ILoveCrustleIsaac and his Isaac lived in a small Isaac on a Isaac
DroncarNice congrats!