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Whopper223Oh crap
LightDiablobtw its a she
Whopper223Want it
bopsi guess, napoleon but he was a general before he became king
LightDiablomost kings don't even know how to wield a sword
MxDemeanorKings didn't fight on the front lines but a few kings died in war
LightDiablonot every king
Whopper223Cus hes got me a mon
bopsthey usually dont go to war themselves
LightDiablosome kings did go in battle
bopskings had generals and knights
bopsi dont think thats right
WakoDoodlefront lines supposedly bops yes; but I'm talking medieval era
WakoDoodleits sus that a lot of crimes england was doing are mysteriously gone but the crimes of other countries are documented.
Whopper223Hey guys who is the fairy type leader in the hub
LightDiablo"Join the war
bopswait wako you mean like front lines right
LightDiabloye she did make commericals
LightDiabloeveryone is biased tbh
MxDemeanorqueen elizabeth didn't go to war but she helped out for publicity sake in ww2 i think
LightDiablohow are u
WakoDoodlehistory books I found of your own country/state are often biased :D
LightDiablohey whopper
bopswhat king
WakoDoodlehistory books, but tbh they could be altered themselves
LightDiablotheir trip made us lose 1.3 million dollars
bopswho told you kings went to war
bopsno they didnt
WakoDoodlewell kings used to be in battle but these days they go into war in safer areas :/
bopsyou think kings went to war hell naw
LightDiabloin our taxes :/
LightDiabloso more for us "sad" Australians to pay
LightDiablothey did not pay at all
bopsthey didnt fight in wars?!
MxDemeanorNobody likes the royal family execpt old british grandparents
LightDiabloand their trip
LightDiablohe said a bidoofton of racist goomy
WakoDoodlewell kings and queens used to run the country and fight in wars. Now its mostly appearance and celebrity stuff
LightDiablowell I live watched his statement
bopsthats not what you saidf
LightDiablothe royal family and stuff
bopsthe royal what?
LightDiabloteaching it butler stuff lol
LightDiabloI actual don't like the royal hippowdons there
WakoDoodleDid the Alpacca get invited to buckingham palace?
LightDiabloI was watching it live
MxDemeanorKing Charles ate the alpaca
LightDiablonah they removed it
bopstbh if i was an alpaca i wouldnt apologize
WakoDoodlethen what happened? We need to know more?!
MxDemeanorNo thats hilarious
LightDiablo7 mate the best frfr
LightDiablo"alpaca apologized"
LightDiablothe next line
LightDiablothey wrote "alpaca sneezed on king charles"
LightDiabloits cuz like in the recent news statement
WakoDoodleI get bbc news here; tbh I think the UK can't count :p
MxDemeanorchannels 7, 9 and 10 are peak
bopsis it because you cant count to d ._.
MxDemeanorI never watch abc news
LightDiablo(off topic)
LightDiablothere is a reason why I don't like ABC news
bopswhy 2
LightDiablowell join me and King's club of collecting two of each mon
MxDemeanorYep. Still appears on your profile though
LightDiabloso only a clone
MxDemeanornah Primal and I did testing yesterday with Jext's permission
LightDiablodoes it increase ur leaderboard?
bopsthen why do they run from me
WakoDoodleI thought it was some kind of weather yokai
LightDiablothat one
LightDiablooh u cloned it by accident
WakoDoodlehuh, bulbapedia counts thunderous as a genie
bopsyou sure?