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Jext ★, Quackerp, DravynLeCrux, AlphaTwin032, Jayalone, afkei, N_N ★, Mellithae, rawdogga, stani420, CodexUntold, atlasrune, Primal, Ryo1shinogi0yari, AddieBallin, rebar, HeathVO, Spocklate, skur ★, summoner9k, Alto_Twitch, Nopesicle, capoznich, JaneJewel, Cannor, HelixJr, MelodyStarr, Dany_Rabbit, MysticMarauder, Bluetacoes, Paperboy012305, scraphound, FangFury, SavageSTL, Flinkz, Allison_Octavio, MewHQ, liverty, Hilltop_Zephyr, Lianne1123, Harvek, cxgoilamanh, Fengerr, Icymoss, Imbring_1, SanguineSol, Teaowl, EarthyGamer57, MaryTheOwl, mapleaudino, KrisTrocity, ArkSilver17, Renma2024, OicanLoyce, RydenTan, Ihazkirbro, Nixcelpix, CandyCorn, Colosoal, DatTepig, BannanaRaccoon
Silkeregnwhat shiny?
darkeryetdarkerand hidden ability
darkeryetdarkerwith egg move
Silkeregnwhat do you get for turning in the 30 trash in harshlome?
whatamidoing12focus blast actually hit
Paperboy012305More like Gen never. There is a good lore reason why it has to have it.
darkeryetdarkergen 10 will have it
darkeryetdarkercrustle that is way too late
ILoveCrustlewhere can i get a water stone in hub
whatamidoing12Huge power archeops when
ILoveCrustleArcheops could've been so much better if not for defeatist
whatamidoing12Bah, defeatist why!
ILoveCrustlesorry i thought you were talking bout the retro hoenn one
whatamidoing12correction, 7 acrobatics
ILoveCrustleohhhh that one
whatamidoing12in the battle bastion you can fight him
mapleaudinobut it would be so funny
ILoveCrustlenorman is unavailable
whatamidoing12i am going to click acrobatics 6 times and sweep norman
Silkeregndoes it matter where I fish?
Paperboy012305I'm doing a trade, and it fails to trade anything now.
ILoveCrustledamn nix got disconnected XD
Silkeregnyoure meant to just fish regularely right?
Paperboy012305Guys, has anyone else noticed trading doesn't work right now?
SilkeregnI cant find any trash in harshlome
mapleaudinowhat makes you move at light speed 😭
whatamidoing12thats pretty good
whatamidoing12nice, comenoid 6-0'd flannery
DroncarGood luck nix!
Paperboy012305Let's see if today's the day you get it.
SilkeregnNix found the cure for pokerus
ILoveCrustleyou see Herii, Nix is kind of a local celeb here
mapleaudinoim watching
Herii123What stream
ILoveCrustlegood luck nix
NixcelpixThanks everyone qwq
NixcelpixThanks Silk
IcymossGL mr bunny
ILoveCrustlealready watching your stream
Silkeregngl Nix
NixcelpixHi Crustel! <- Shiny Diglett until appear, The Revenge!!!
ILoveCrustlei am once again back
NixcelpixToday is the day!!!
NixcelpixHello everyone o/
SilkeregnI dont have access to surf yet
Silkeregnis there a better place to lvl grind in harshlome than the chapel
whatamidoing12me when rock slide misses
whatamidoing12manectric gets flamethrower?
Cjblaze11game crashed
Paperboy012305And Cjblaze, where are you? I can help out.
whatamidoing12sky attack stop kissing
whatamidoing12Oh for goomys sake-
Paperboy012305I like Crustle too.
Paperboy012305WB Crustle.
Cjblaze11also wb
Cjblaze11can someone help me evolve my haunter into a gengar?
ILoveCrustlei am back
whatamidoing12yo rhats fire
Cjblaze11i was today years old when i was jumpscared by the jext boss fight
whatamidoing12STONE EDGE?
whatamidoing12wait focus sash breloom is bigbrain
whatamidoing12haha archeops go brrrr
Paperboy012305Oh boy! No wonder they're so OP in singles.
Paperboy012305Do hazards break sturdy?
FxLocoi need help with the spare room doors
Sky_Berlitzanything for the most part breaks sturdy
mapleaudinodoes wish work
whatamidoing12toxic is hansy for breaking sturdy
Paperboy012305That's the power of NPCs having better RNG than us.
Cjblaze11i reloaded
whatamidoing12gives me a better fight
whatamidoing12i like that