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Paperboy012305It's the same way in Cloudia.
whatamidoing12Noooo they didnt make tate and liza a double battle
PapiYeah, I got charmander, chimchar & tepig shint
darkeryetdarkerwell its a good shiny [still sucks ass that its stuck there]
ILoveCrustleIn your place will be Kaji the Alakazam
Paperboy012305I love Emboar's shiny, the blue is too good.
darkeryetdarkeroh its in cv is it?
whatamidoing12im pretty sure the birds are also banned from battle bastion
Icymossblue boi
Paperboy012305Ooh, very nice!
Paperboy012305A shiny what? Congrats anyway.
PapiAnother Fire Starter
ILoveCrustleyou will indeed meet Yui again
ILoveCrustlegoodbye Gendo
whatamidoing12with nurse joy
whatamidoing12by the front
ILoveCrustlewhere's the pc in battle bastion
whatamidoing12je suis monte
Paperboy012305That one's a Nuclear type!
darkeryetdarkerwith like all of them standing lmao :mon_00l6nqal:
whatamidoing12its so fun
whatamidoing12i love aurorus
darkeryetdarkerman i forgot how much alteria versions we have :mon_00oz2fwp:
Cjblaze11whats the bind to unfullscreen?
whatamidoing12holy bidoof
ILoveCrustleThe cruel angel indeed has a thesis
whatamidoing12i already krilled it
Paperboy012305And if the bastion NPCs switch out, good luck trying to toxic it.
whatamidoing12a motherhippowdonin evangelion reference
darkeryetdarkerwell altaria has some of that bulk to stall
ILoveCrustleGendo the Mewtwo, Shinji the Blastoise, Kaworu the Dragonite, Toji the Zapdos, Asuka the Moltres, Rei the Articuno
whatamidoing12i preferred the d-dance/eq altaria
whatamidoing12winnona why
Paperboy012305Bro's Altaria is trying to be a stall mon.
ILoveCrustlealright my team is ready
darkeryetdarkerbc comenoid has way weaker special def
darkeryetdarkereh water absorb would be better
Paperboy012305I'd like it if Comenoid got levitate.
darkeryetdarkerbc he is a cutie
darkeryetdarkerthe top part looks like it can do stuff with sun
whatamidoing12why is bro -x-
darkeryetdarkerlike :mon_00gmv8vr:
whatamidoing12get toxic'd
ILoveCrustlei've got EM10A_alterne playing in my head rn
darkeryetdarkerhm would solar power fit in on comenoid?
whatamidoing12what the wooper?
whatamidoing12...roost, dream eater, sing altaria
ILoveCrustletime to prepare my team for battle bastion grinding
whatamidoing12she hit the damm sing
whatamidoing12ah hippowdon right off winnona
whatamidoing12water absorb comenoid would go hard
Paperboy012305A better place is Retrro Kanto in Celadon.
darkeryetdarkerthe reroll shop ig
ILoveCrustlewhere can i get a water stone in hub?
darkeryetdarkerdoesn't matter if its weak to water you have 5 other mons
Paperboy012305But the other one has an ability that can trap water types and use Freeze Dry on them.
darkeryetdarkerbut thats why you have A TEAM
whatamidoing12but its got decent bulk
whatamidoing12it may be weak to water
darkeryetdarkerand its generally better
darkeryetdarkercomenoid has better shiny
whatamidoing12that thing goes so hard
whatamidoing12imo, comenoid
Silkeregnis there a second fishing rod in harshlome?
ILoveCrustleboi i really need a water stone rn
Paperboy012305I see. Which one would be the better one to pick?
whatamidoing12cosmic power comenoid is kinda eh tbf
darkeryetdarkerand the other one idk
darkeryetdarkereh comenoid gets cosmic power
whatamidoing12or the other one
mapleaudinowithout reloading
darkeryetdarkercoral or the squid
Paperboy012305Ooh, what kind of egg move?
whatamidoing12the comenoid preevi
Cjblaze11oh sup darker
mapleaudinois there a way for me to get out of being softlocked in my pc
Paperboy012305A shiny of your choice. But only either one.