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ColosoalAnd they brought out the iron leaves now
PG55Colosoal did they use the Cosmog already?
Zeeiitanyone know what to do on summer island?
ColosoalChainite has a 130 attack
cakemaster839is linkite good
ColosoalI like purple :)
ColosoalBlue viokets
PG55blue violets or hue-changed roses?
ColosoalSince it’s technically the rarest
ColosoalI’ll take blue
PG55which flowers do you want in your funeral?
ColosoalIf it’s a obscure mon I’m cooked?
PG55youre screwed
ColosoalOH SHOT
ColosoalSudowoodo, flutter mane, gholdengo, urshifu rapid, and uh
PG55and if its more cute mons, free elo
PG55if its good mons, its ok
PG55if its some obscure mon and nothing else, youre cooked
PG55whats the rest of their team?
PG55theres also 3) they had an empty space and used an useless mon to fill it
PG55not really
ColosoalSo if they have a urshifu/regieleki or anything good I’m cooked?
PG552) youre screwed in soooo many levels
PG551) youre facing a noob who uses cute mons and knows nothing about competitive
ColosoalWhich are 😰
PG55there are 2 things that could happen
ColosoalIf I see a competive player using cosmog ad their restricted mon, am I cooked?
PG55and also having the first meta-meta-meta-meta-meta-meta-meta-meta analysis
ColosoalThe idea is simple chat
PG55and the biggest survivorship bias ever
ProfessorPwrong chat
PG55oh, and i could also make it the research with the smallest amount of data
PG553 records in a single research paper would help
PG55i wanna have my name on as much pages of thwe Guinness book as i can
ProfessorPim back
PG55and also make it the first research paper with the words "pneumoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiotic" and "Chaotic-Good" in the title
Icymoss"A smile as bright as the stars"
PG55anyone wanna help me making a scientific paper about astro-dentistry?
PG55there are no research papers on Google Scholar about astro-dentistry
PG55and Komala has 115 atk stat
PG55and thats a freaking lot
PG55thats 315 power
demonyci missed this :sob:
demonyc6k mews
PG55140 base power + stab + choice band
demonycgot the best ability in the game for nothing
PG55comatose allows it to use sleep talk, that activates Last Resort
demonycpoor komala
PG55choice band last resort sleep talk Komala is the only mon who can use choice band last resort
ProfessorPitenless it is
ProfessorPhang on
ProfessorPzax you smol
ProfessorPcause it friggin takes a slot
ProfessorPno, its less than useless
Zaxaroneat airport
PG55Pr. P snore is useless
Zaxaroneawwwright who wanted a battle
demonycyeah but you can still kill you opponent mons
PG55Paralysis makes you slower, Confusion deals damage if it happens, and Attraction works twice as often
ProfessorPunless your mon can snore or sleeptalk
demonycand all of those you have a chance to move
demonycsleep is broken bc its guaranteed not to move
PG55Paralysis, Confusion and Attraction are just the same thing, but with different colateral effects
AllymanFreeze is stronger than sleep, but it's wildy inconsistent
demonycand 10x more unreliable
ProfessorPexcept *
ProfessorPecept you cant freezetalk
PG55its just sleeping, but with a type
PG55freeze is an odd status condition
demonycso its balanced in that way
PG55Pr. P Incineroar be shaking in their boots when Talker Slaking walks in
demonycbut freeze is really hard to inflict too
ProfessorPcome on, the big guy deserves a chance to be good
ColosoalAnd it is stupidly good
ColosoalI think freeze has least ways to counter it
PG55and some berry
ProfessorPid love to see rest talker slacking in action
PG55still comatose
ColosoalWhat bout th other statues conditions