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skur ★
Paperboy012305Chainite and Esterite. The only mons in Borovia that requires trading to get.
starrisoulfoxowhat mons are you missing?
Paperboy012305I suppose he just went afk and logged off.
Icymossor am I?
IcymossIm just messing hehe
Icymossprop hunt lol
Icymossno no, look to the second left
JadeAmulethide and seek in this game would be wild
Paperboy012305I suppose you'll just help me then?
Icymosslook to the left...
Paperboy012305Well I looked everywhere, and ProfessorP isn't anywhere.
SleebyEepyi scrolled
Icymosstheres a down arror next to the box number
Icymossyou can scroll down
SleebyEepyjust put a mon into full box and it disappeared
Paperboy012305ProfessorP. Where in Borovia are you?
Icymosscouldnt have said it better myself
fabi0nDespués de eso, ve a la biblioteca que está al otro lado y súbete a la parte superior de las estanterías. Salta sobre ellas (botón C o X en el móvil) y,   Luego sal del Salón y ve a la siguiente puerta a la izquierda, donde tendrás que preparar una mesa para un fantasma usando el Mantel . Después de hacerlo, lucha contra el fantasma y al derrotarlo te darán el plato principal, un objeto llamado Campana de Plata .  Vuelve al salón y usa la campana de plata para alimentar al Ursaring junto a la chimenea. Te dará el código de la caja fuerte , lo que te permitirá abrirla. Una vez que la abras, obtendrás el Necronomicón .  Vuelve a la biblioteca y trepa por la cuerda que trajiste y coloca el Necronomicón en el pedestal del medio. Tendrás que luchar contra dos esqueletos. Después de derrotarlos, obtendrás la llave del esqueleto .  Una vez que obtengas la llave maestra , vuelve a subir las escaleras y recorre todo el pasillo. Entra en el dormitorio principal y te encontrarás con dos guardias. Habla con ellos y te informarán de que tu arma inicial debe desbloquear su verdadero potencial antes de que puedas tener una audiencia con el conde. Ve al montaplatos , que es la cosa de metal que hay en la pared de la izquierda. Te caerás y acabarás en las cuevas abisales.
Deep_sea_lilyNever mind ^^
Paperboy012305Nah, why do that when you can just go to Retro Kanto after you beat the champion for free?
ColosoalIn hub
Deep_sea_lilyWhere do i do it ?
JadeAmuletYeah once you finish the region you can
ColosoalIt costs heart scales which you can get by fishing
ColosoalTheirs a move relearned in hub
Paperboy012305I haven't found any NPC to help out, so I guess not.
Paperboy012305Where at in the region?
Deep_sea_lilyWait i cant reteach them?
ProfessorPim on borovia to help w/ trademons
Paperboy012305I completed Borovia, it doesn't seem possible. So once you deleted a move, it's not coming back.
ProfessorPa puffle
Deep_sea_lilyAlso on moblie
Icymoss:mon_00uw3jkk: jk this is me frfr
JadeAmuletit might not be possible
Deep_sea_lilyHey im in borovia  how would i reteach a pokemon a move?
ColosoalIma get back to my omantye grind
Icymoss:mon_0001vqbv: this is me irl
ProfessorPi can help!
ProfessorPOH OH OH
ColosoalInteregional might seem like another boring region but the about page for it makes it really interesting
Paperboy012305I'm back from a nice shower. I'm still waiting for someone to touch trade my two mons I need to complete the Borovia dex.
Icymossnot bad shinys are 1/1000
SleebyEepyomg real
ProfessorPok, i need one of these lil guys :mon_00m7jvfc:
SleebyEepy238 and still hav 4 to hatch
ColosoalTbf the safari zones have cool designs
SleebyEepyaw hold on
IcymossSleeby how many eggs you hatched?
JadeAmuletJust a place to catch mons, ok
ColosoalMostly ;-;
ColosoalIts locations are fun
Icymossand it has rare mons*
ColosoalHub is by far my fav region (aside from lonova and atlas)
SleebyEepyi want a shiny from egg..
IcymossJade it makes trainers stronger on the mainland and have rare mons
ColosoalDraguntale is basically what the drought of og mons was made for
ColosoalNgl I’m hyped for when huh gets a update
JadeAmuletwhats even the deal with daeguntale
SleebyEepyI JOKED-
ColosoalBye bye
Icymossits apparently getting an update as well at some point so move being added ^^
ColosoalThe safari zones are especially fun if you love pain :)
SleebyEepyi see :3
ColosoalThe safari zones, the battke facilites, effort island, draguntale, and a bit more
IcymossEV island, dragon island, challanges and you can use them to unlock the starters from diffrent regions
ColosoalHub as a lot surpisgly
ColosoalOnly ones that don’t have it is: cv, retro hoenn, and Neo sinnoh
SleebyEepyreal but whats there?
Icymossyou should have the hub global
ColosoalStill not bad
SleebyEepyonly unlocked in easter island
ColosoalSome don’t have global oc tho
ColosoalOnly if you have unlocked that global pc for that other regions
SleebyEepyi can move mons to diff region? or only if i complete 2 regions
ColosoalIt allows you to transfer mons to other regions that have global pc
SleebyEepywhat global pc does
ProfessorPit aint