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Paperboy012305That does it, the Chalker are getting stronger by them being level 93 now. It's time to make my Morabyssal Bulky.
ItsCarrottry /unstuck
HappyPieim so confused rn
HappyPiei cant moveee
HappyPiemy screen is all messed up?
Paperboy012305No problem.
Sadetthanks again
Paperboy012305Yeah sure.
Sadetthe 3rd try really is the charm wouldnt you say?
Paperboy012305Have fun money making.
Paperboy012305Very nice! You also unlocked the global pc!
Sadettook 3 tries but I got Drenchest!
Paperboy012305Sheesh, I gotta make my Morabyssal bulky so it can last longer against these Chalker...
Paperboy012305There can be one on easter island, but you can only encounter one Chalker at a time.
Paperboy012305If only I knew where a lucky egg in Harshlome is, it'll make things easier and faster.
Paperboy012305If you gotten far enough, there's a section of the Harshlome Hollows 2F that spawns nothing but Chalker. And there can be multiple in one encounter ranging from 2-5. You can even set them to scale, and heal your mons at any time.
Paperboy012305Basically yes. As far as I know of.
Sky_BerlitzAnd that thing is an xp cow?
Paperboy012305Idk how to send the image, but it's this.
Sky_Berlitztf is a chalker
Paperboy012305Oh it won't be too hard, I have my level 100 Morabyssal with Intimidate and Earthquake to beat those Chalker. They give out lots of EXP.
Sadetgood luck
Paperboy012305See ya, I'll be in Harshlome now.
Paperboy012305Well, I better get back to grinding my own Drenchest.
Sadetwill try again later
Paperboy012305I believe so.
Sky_Berlitzsame spot?
Sadetok thanks
Paperboy012305I think if you leave the region and come back it'll respawn.
Sky_BerlitzSo we good then
Sadetbut I learn to laugh it off when its not a shiny
Sky_Berlitzdoes it respawn
Paperboy012305Aww man. It's the best money maker.
Sadethate to see that happen
SadetI would have cought it if my mon didnt crit it at the end lol
SadetI beat it
Paperboy012305Did you catch it?
Paperboy012305If you lose to it, I have a mon that can counter it.
Sadetthank you
Paperboy012305Be careful, it's a mon.
Paperboy012305Are you sure you've found all 3 keys?
Sky_Berlitzidk then sorry
RydenTanIm on mobile
Sadetmaybe it randomizes between players?
Sky_Berlitzright click then press close
Paperboy012305I do know that if you've found the spot, the text appears.
RydenTanHow to quit the chat
Paperboy012305Oh, the treasure is gone.
Sadetthanks much appresheated
Paperboy012305Well, I'm on my way there. I'll guide you.
Sadetno clue on how to send a pic on here
SadetI'll let u know if I find it before hand
Sky_BerlitzHonestly idk
IC3Is there a way to toggle sound back on?
IC3Sound keeps turning off when reopen the tab with this game
Paperboy012305How do you send a pic anyway?
Sky_BerlitzWhere are you grinding?
SadetI can wait
Paperboy012305I'd send a pic of where, but I'm level grinding at the moment.
Sky_BerlitzDefinitely got a lot of work to do
SadetI cannot find it
Sky_BerlitzDon't got a cohesive farming spot though
Sky_BerlitzStill trying to hit lv cap for part 1 sinnoh
Paperboy012305It should be at the very bottom of where the island with the "X" is.
Sadetand Im trying to find the tresure chest now that I got all 3 keys of Summer Island
SadetI am
Sky_BerlitzDidn't know you were still on lol
Sadethi Sky
Sky_BerlitzOh hey Sadet XD
SadetI got the 3 keys
Sadetanyone know where the tresure is located I feel like I enteracted with every squair
Sky_BerlitzI'm in sinnoh and found a random fountain in a tree by route 218 and Jubilife City
Sky_BerlitzIs there supposed to be a fountain in one of the trees
IC3Any tips for playing this on iPad with a Magic Keyboard (missing function row)
Paperboy012305Welp, my days of stealing money related items from wild mons are over!
NixcelpixGold Breaker is a powerfull one
Paperboy012305Oh I see. I forgot about Coin Cascade.
NixcelpixCoin cascade, Pay day, Gold Breaker and Nugget Fling
NixcelpixThere 4
NixcelpixJackpot have the "(N)"
Paperboy012305Oh man, how about the 3 moves that let you get money?
NixcelpixNot yet
Paperboy012305Knowing you own one (I watched your stream) Does the Jackpot ability in doubling prize money work?
NixcelpixYeah, Drenchest is a good one to make *Money*
Paperboy012305Man, owning a Drenchest is a good way to make money. I'm currently grinding one to 100.
Volcanronso you have both sprites