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XiterokStatus moves do nothing (with some exceptions) and damaged moves only do damage
XiterokItems don't work, many abilities don't work or do only a part of the effect
XiterokOr partially
XiterokEffect not programmed/not implemented
Ayrael(N) means not programmed ?
IC3Dmg and self inflicted in confusion and it happens on the rare mons
XiterokDo you mean the highroll/lowroll rng on damaged?
IC3I swear the inconsistent damage happens more often then not when catching a new mon
ArtyomKalvakovYeah they got the 3rd gen outfits
Volcanronin a region meant specifically to emulate the old games
Volcanronbro did you really think they made 8-bit versions of every outfit
XiterokYou can't (if you can, I didn't find It)
ArtyomKalvakovWhere can i find the outfit case in kanto
ArtyomKalvakovLAst question
Artsonistsorry, but I can't read
ArtsonistYeah, I tried
XiterokLook on wiki
XiterokYou can surf, but dratini is a Rod encounter
Artsonistwhat EV stat does pidgey increase?
ArtyomKalvakovOr do i need a superod for this
ArtyomKalvakovand find one?
ArtyomKalvakovcan i surf in the first pool
ArtyomKalvakovSo in the safari zone
XiterokYou pratically Jump and fish there
XiterokCloudia is a different region
XiterokYou get It in and house going south from East snorlax block
ArtyomKalvakovWheres cloudia?
XiterokIf you want a Dragonite, I suggest you to go to Cloudia: you can catch LV 50-60 Dragonite in late game
ArtyomKalvakovWhere can i get the super rod?
XiterokBest ways: Safari zone=> Super rod
ArtyomKalvakovXiterok where can I get a dratini in kanto?
IC3Does anyone know if you can catch Mightiro again?
XiterokIf you want to train in One specific field, take as many Mons you want to buff in that stat
XiterokAlso: evs are granted to all Mons that gain exp from that battle
XiterokIn EV island, Attack is top left, where a black belt is. Sp.Attack is top right near a lake (NOT THE LAKE)
ArtyomKalvakovmostly special attack
XiterokI suggest to focus on only One on them, but if you want to do Hybrid attacker, be my guess
LannaUnder settings you can turn on auto running
XiterokYou can run by keep pressing X (or B on mobile) or enabling autorun
ArtyomKalvakovand special
XiterokAttack or special Attack?
ArtsonistCan you sprint or something? Or do I need to unlock the bike?
XiterokAfter you try a trial, you'll unlock EV island on the south port
XiterokIf you see a Person above the Draguntale NPC, talk to him and Will go to Battle Mansion
ArtyomKalvakovSo like what would insrease attack for charizard?
XiterokGo to HUB - south port
XiterokLike a ferrothorn that on level up gains more def/hp rather than speed
ArtyomKalvakovHow do I get to Effort island?
ArtyomKalvakovI beat Kanto
XiterokEach poke gains EV based on enemy type and stats based on his kind
starrisoulfoxoafter knocking out
starrisoulfoxoif you beat a challenge on battle bastion you can go to effort island to get evs better
ArtyomKalvakovdidn't know it its added after knocking it out or your pokemon gotta level up for it
XiterokOn mobile, A
XiterokGo near NPC and press z
starrisoulfoxojust fight a bunch of pokemon that give the right evs
ArtsonistHow do you interact with NPCs?
XiterokKo or catch of enemy pokemon
ArtyomKalvakovIs it added after leveling up or after ko of the pokemon?
starrisoulfoxowhenever you faint a mon it gives you pokemon evs
XiterokBest ways: EV island
XiterokFight corresponding mons
ArtyomKalvakovHow do I naturally raise evs?
starrisoulfoxowhere can i find the tm for nasty plot
Herii123So I'm going to say it one more time Goodnight everyone
Herii123Okay I know that's not everyone so c'mon
SleebyEepygood night
IC3Good night
Herii123I just came on to say goodnight everyone
IC3Anyone know if you can catch a second mightiro? Nature was not ideal
IC3And it was the mon I needed to get an old rod in this area
CometTheIncandescentrip, to be fair I've played a while and don't have one either
IC3Just started today. Don’t have any mon with the move yet
CometTheIncandescentGotta get that false swipe action in there
IC3Hate inconsistent damage when trying to catch a pokemon
Maxoxolooks pretty good
Maxoxoare the graphics hyper 2d?
SleebyEepyboth good tbh
SamdoraHow's laptop vs phone experience?
Maxoxomy bad gang
Maxoxoyoure right
SleebyEepyand it works
SleebyEepyim also on laptop
Maxoxoim on my laptop
Maxoxoright click and drag has not worked for me
IC3I’m on ipad