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darkeryetdarkerok ig wako plus wako's brain part doesn't make wako 1.5
DroncarI know about all of those
WakoDoodlewould need to know about
DroncarMaybe two or thre more streams
WakoDoodleits filled with the entire works of pokemon, digimon, sonic, warcraft and kamen rider lore; stuff nobody
darkeryetdarkerhm wako eat this bullet
ILoveCrustlehow many encounters do you think will it take Nix to find a shiny?
WakoDoodlevery few can handle my mind
darkeryetdarkergood testing if wako's brain makes ppl go feral
WakoDoodleheehoo crustle
WakoDoodleim back
ILoveCrustlehow are you today
ILoveCrustlealso hi Wing Gaster
darkeryetdarkertbh idk what to do with this other bullet with wako's brain part still in it
ILoveCrustleLord Crustle forgives you
ILoveCrustleunderstandable. have a nice day
darkeryetdarkereh the bullet with wako's brain still in it
★Azria ★i got coffee
ILoveCrustleWhy the rayquaza did you go feral
★Azria ★what i do
Mochacho1010makes sense
ILoveCrustleAzria i'd like to talk to you about your behavior.
darkeryetdarkeralso its platinum 2.0
darkeryetdarkereh it ends at gym 1 soooo
Mochacho1010how about sinnoh? since that's an original story
ILoveCrustlewhat the cleffa are you guys doinf
Mochacho1010makes me wonder does hoenn have the same??
Mochacho1010woah retro Kanto has version exclusive games
DroncarI wont be anyone specimen anymore
darkeryetdarkeri will abuse it.
WakoDoodleJust because I cannot die normally from sep - mar doesn't mean you can abuse it!
darkeryetdarkerwe need a speciman
WakoDoodlecan you not?
Nomster4LifeImma just..
darkeryetdarkerlets test it
darkeryetdarkeryou know what
WakoDoodleI think they like it
WakoDoodlehow does my brain taste azria?
darkeryetdarkerman why is part of your brain still left in it
WakoDoodlebtw this is yours
WakoDoodlethen there is a greater evil
darkeryetdarkerno devil2 made it tho
WakoDoodledid Azria make trial 10?
darkeryetdarkerthey are the devil
DroncarAzria is a devil, change my mind
WakoDoodleNayox why not just breath slowly and tell yourself it isn't real
NayoxBro let me fish T-T
darkeryetdarkeri think slenderman is like a copy of the demon in my closet or something
WakoDoodlelike the silent hill nurses but tall
WakoDoodleits a tall guy with no face
★Azria ★whats a slenderman
WakoDoodletbh I'm just glad you're all getting into the halloween spirit
NayoxBro SLenderman
WakoDoodleI bet he and beetlejuice would love this at their tea party XD
darkeryetdarkerdon't you god damn dare.
WakoDoodleI better go tell my old pal slenderman about this
NayoxNo, I think he's right
★Azria ★i was crazy once
Droncarno no
DroncarI aint crazy
WakoDoodleoh no, the imaginary spooky guy doesn't like me
NayoxHard declaration mate
DroncarI saw what i saw
DroncarIt's okay
darkeryetdarkeri think it just... *doesn't like you*
WakoDoodlejust a bunch of people pointing at normal things
WakoDoodleI've yet to see this lemongrab
darkeryetdarkerwako your saying as if your not trying to make a guy not real and us being crazy or something nah totally not
WakoDoodleyou need sleep >.>
WakoDoodlesrs man
WakoDoodlethe lady is just doing her job
WakoDoodleDroncar that's not nice
Droncarsaw it right????
Mochacho1010what's all this about a stream
NayoxIf lemon demon appears, wako, you'll trust us >:D