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SilkeregnHas anyone found any sinnoh regional variants in shiny yet?
darkeryetdarkerwhat? im gonna roast sinnoh every chance i get
WakoDoodle@dark XD
darkeryetdarkerheh at least if it was real it would be a first real change for it
Silkeregnwhere are they at
Sky_BerlitzThey added some kind of distortion paradox form for some pokes
SilkeregnI dont have a single rattata. but idm catching em all
WakoDoodlein sinnoh they added 47 different types of rattata's :D
SilkeregnActually, apparently my dex reset?
Silkeregnlike the dex expanded a lot
SilkeregnI feel like something has changed
Silkeregnbeen a while since I minmaxed sinnoh
Sky_Berlitzkarps are like lv 10 max
LyricalStarryeah I think so
darkeryetdarkeri feel like the caves have the highest lvls
Silkeregnwhere are the highest lvl mons in sinnoh?
WakoDoodleand its so hard to catch for some reason XD
Sky_BerlitzGuessing getting the Global PC on EI is easy??
WakoDoodleim on the hunt for a throh
darkeryetdarkertbh hazards will take a long time to work
SilkeregnDoes stealth rock work now?
Sky_BerlitzEven if a file doesn't have it?
ILoveCrustlethe Global PC allows you to transfer pokemon between regions
SilkeregnI may shiny hunt shinx then
Silkeregnwoah there's triple encounters in sinnoh?
ILoveCrustlegonna try that out
Sky_BerlitzHow does the global pc eve work
ILoveCrustleoh great
ILoveCrustledoes EI have Global PC?
darkeryetdarkereaster island sells them i think
Silkeregnwhich region Crustle?
ILoveCrustlei hate the fact that shiny stones are so scarce
Sky_BerlitzWish I had an extra ice chimchar
Sky_BerlitzYea but I only got the Monferno right now
WakoDoodleah you're on about the neo sinnoh starters not the normal ones
Sky_BerlitzI would touch trade it if anything
Sky_BerlitzI would not keep that
darkeryetdarkeri would help you but im not trusting myself with piplup being shiny...
Nomster4LifeI have prinplup
WakoDoodleif you have a strong team, battle bastion gives starters for gen 1 - 4 atm
Sky_BerlitzGuessing you don't have piplup on ya?
Sky_BerlitzOnly things I'm missing are starters
WakoDoodledid you know, if you trade a kabadra with an everstone, it still evolves?
Nomster4LifeSure, I’ll give you something
Sky_BerlitzYou want that starly back?
Sky_BerlitzWell that's my kadabra
Nomster4LifeBecause my game didn’t save lost like 30 minutes of grinding
Nomster4LifeI was given some by Jext
NayoxILoveCrustle me too
Sky_BerlitzWait how'd you get xp candies
ILoveCrustlei really need an easy way to get a shiny stone
Sky_BerlitzOne sec I'm by oreburgh
Nomster4LifeCome to Sandgem Town
Sky_BerlitzI'll check mine after I either get my monferno to 20 or I get Abra to 16
Silkeregnappreciate it
DroncarIll tell you silk
Droncarill check in like 20 mins
SilkeregnI'm just trying to see if I am the only one
WakoDoodlebeware the cakewig cult
Nomster4LifeI can help you sky
Droncardidn't check retro hoenn and tbh i didnt go far so not a problem
Sky_BerlitzI'm on sinnoh trying to farm to lv cap
SilkeregnDid retro hoenn inv clear for any of you?
DroncarNothing is out currently hahahaha
DroncarIdk a lot about dusk stones though
Sky_BerlitzActually does anyone know the best grinding spot for sinnoh for what's out currently
WakoDoodlehub has a daily store that sold moon, sun and dawn stones
DroncarFor the newest you should farm desert's eye
DroncarFor classic ones i recommend kanto
WakoDoodlekanto sells all base stones
Sky_Berlitzprobably a time of day thing also idk crustle
ILoveCrustleare there any regions with easy access to all evo stones?
WakoDoodlebtw I don't know if its a time of day thing or a rod thing
WakoDoodle2* sorry
WakoDoodlemy dex is missing 1 hub fish
darkeryetdarkeryep i saw her doing that anime training arc wako
Sky_BerlitzWait why we talking about the fish
WakoDoodlethe pursuer of anime and power?!
darkeryetdarkeryou gonna get a spear first tho
WakoDoodlenot THE Undyne of the royal guards
darkeryetdarkerwell one of them is a secret and the fish's name is undyne :3
WakoDoodlelegit no idea what 2 fish I'm missing in hub water
Sky_BerlitzWait wth it's only route 218 side
darkeryetdarkereh good ig since the testing of your brain is done
WakoDoodleso anyway, how are you dark?