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WakoDoodleoh im on stream.. well then.
Nixcelpix+ You are all in stream right now haha
WakoDoodleHyper Muteki Ex-Aid.
WakoDoodleDocking, Hyper Muteki
Primalits a me, primario
darkeryetdarkerok now we wait 10 minutes and we all should explode
NixcelpixEs Primal oh mai gotto
WakoDoodleMighty jump, Mighty kick, mighty mighty action X!
XiterokLast 10 for CV: Who do you think Will be the last?
PrimalHello c:
DroncarThat went fast
NixcelpixPrimal :o
WakoDoodleright I see where this is going
N_N ★:O hi nixcel!
ViralMagnumTyphlolkñjsdkljd HELLO PRIMAL!
WakoDoodlesrs though, se has a store selling a cloud strife sword necklace for around $800
WakoDoodleSE : Oh? Are we fighting nintendo?
Droncarlmao internet companies free for all
Xiterok"Free advertisement"
darkeryetdarkerthey would do some crazy bs to nintendo if they did do clover like that
Cjblaze11bro imagine if 4chan, twitter, and reels all worked together to take down nintendo
oatmilkzombietheg really do
darkeryetdarkerbc 4chan is a beast
DroncarClover is too niche and also way too offensive for nintendo claiming they are associated with them
WakoDoodleI think nintendo feared bowsette once
darkeryetdarkerthey fear 4chan.
WakoDoodlelegally they were allowed to but, to fire the team because "the game wasn't good enough" and then use it... man
Cjblaze11as long as they dont take down the mario drinks a glass of milk trilogy im kinda fine
oatmilkzombiei'm surprised pokemon never went after pokemon clover
DroncarThe other two on secunda but didnt figure out the time shenanigan
XiterokCroc <3
WakoDoodlethen they tried to hush them down at an expo
DroncarPsychic one on the last island
darkeryetdarkerheh yeah can't wait for flux to be done too
SilkeregnThey think fan games cause them to lose money
WakoDoodlethey took their yoshi prototype, fired them and then used it to make mario 64
BannanaRaccoonalso that Mario battle royale that they took down then basically did the samething with the Mario 100
DroncarGhost one on the first island at night
oatmilkzombieuranium was such a cool concept
WakoDoodleTbh I don't forgive nintendo for what they did to the croc and croc 2 team
Droncarand on different islands
Droncar@Renma yes
darkeryetdarkeralso tbh i still don't forgive nintendo for just killing uranium
Renma2024aight thanks!
XiterokHowever, if the game had no password save, you had to restart everytime
WakoDoodleyup. tbh I think its because they're too old to know whats going on XD
Cjblaze11terminal montage getting the sega sponser was such a shock to me
DroncarThough they often sue the emulators themselves
XiterokThe Sega Master System was my First console, still love It
WakoDoodle1 oricorio is at night, rest are day
DroncarFor the steamdeck it's different, like the purpose of the steamdeck isnt to emulate, so they have nothing to sue
Renma2024Off topic, does Oricorio spawn during a specific time / conditions in Cloudia?
WakoDoodlethe higher upsd didn't hire sonic manias team, but the devs did and thats something Nintendon't
WakoDoodlesega higher ups are stupid but the ppl working on their games actually understand the fans
darkeryetdarkeryea but nintendo feels like its on another level
Cjblaze11cant change my mind
DroncarI mean every company wants to make money
WakoDoodleif they knew the steamdeck can emulate their consoles and games, they'd probably sue them too
Cjblaze11sega is better than nintendo (in terms of fan service)
Silkeregnthey havent even put Unite on pc yet, have they
darkeryetdarkerthey want money money and more money
DroncarNintendo likes to keep their games exclusive to switch
darkeryetdarkerheh yea but nintendo is nintendo
WakoDoodleb-but you gotta buy a switch first
Silkeregnthey can just re release their old games, people pay for convenience
SilkeregnThey wouldnt lose anything by having an official viretual console on the switch and PC
WakoDoodlesame with steam, I love steam but valve did do some bad stuff in the past.
darkeryetdarkerbc pc is like very common
WakoDoodlenow I still love nintendo games, I won't stop playing them. But I won't pretend they're innocent
darkeryetdarkeri think its mostly bc they would get less money
ILoveCrustleI will come on the fifth day, from the East