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Cjblaze11hot topic
darkeryetdarkermy memory is a gold fish so i will forget it
Silkeregnmakes people uncomfortable'
Silkeregnits one of those things you dont get to just forget
darkeryetdarkereh forgot tbh lmao
Cjblaze11nop moke
Silkeregndid he not ask you to stop with that dark?
Cjblaze11no meko p
WakoDoodlewait virals in a battle
darkeryetdarkeryou know i will test what nix's said
PrimalGet away from him
WakoDoodlehey viral
darkeryetdarkerthe only thing that changed is baba is you music playing in the back
WakoDoodlehello darker my old friend
DroncarYou're gonna start fading dark
darkeryetdarkeri feel nothing
Nixcelpixtouch Viral burger and you die two times
DroncarImma keep my hand where they are thank you
ViralMagnumTyphloI'm corrosive
WakoDoodleyou can't undo what I already did :D
PrimalTouch Viral and you die
WakoDoodleI'm just selling the tape that was on my lips
WakoDoodleyou are free like before
WakoDoodleoh no no viral
Toy_Bonnie_Gamingi just brought like 2 lvl 40 pokemon i caught from rica which is vullaby and lazyrd to the hub
ViralMagnumTyphlomy wares are (?)
WakoDoodleokay I was jumping so this is uncomfortable
ViralMagnumTyphloI'm not for sale, thank you
ViralMagnumTyphlonot you nix xDDD
Cjblaze11sonic galaxy was bad
NixcelpixOk, i stop
Toy_Bonnie_Gamingwhat is happening-
Cjblaze11hear me out
WakoDoodlewho wants to buy virals first kiss?
WakoDoodleits the one thing you cannot replace
Cjblaze11my first what
WakoDoodleyour first is mine
Cjblaze11wako x viral rea-
WakoDoodleWAIT! D:
NixcelpixI'm dont having luck right now
WakoDoodleoh nice, I can get better shinies now
WakoDoodlewelp thats enough fanboying for today
Cjblaze11out of timestop has to release all their shinies"
WakoDoodlein my final words, I CURSE ZOIDBERG!
darkeryetdarkeryou know what let me try...
WakoDoodlerejoice, for the king of riders is here. All 20 legends the great and powerful! Grand Zi-O!
darkeryetdarker... burmy you
BladeVapit's almost time to remember
WakoDoodlew, ooo's, fourze, wizard, gaim, drive, ghost, ex-aid, build.... Kamen Rider Grand Zi-O!
darkeryetdarkerok i think thats enough
ViralMagnumTyphloit's just a shotgun
WakoDoodleKuuga, agito, ryuki, faiz and blade. Hibiki, kabuto, den-o, kiva, decade
WakoDoodleIchigo, nigo, v3, riderman, x, amazon, stronger, skyrider, super 1, ZX, Black, Black RX, shin, ZO, J !
darkeryetdarkermine viral :3
Cjblaze11rate my team <- Hunting until Shiny Diglett appear
&0verL0rdDigital footprint
XiterokUnderstandable, have a nice day