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BladeVap@ Viral
BladeVapfinally getting on with Retro Kanto
ColosoalNot missing much diablo
ColosoalWe just giving giritina trauma
LightDiablomiss me yet?
LightDiablohey guys
ColosoalYou heard me bad giritina now get back in your ball >:(
ColosoalBad giritina >:(
ViralMagnumTyphlobad giratina, bad
ViralMagnumTyphloyeah, casually fighting with giratina causes lots distorsion world worm holes
ColosoalI constantly hate it every day
ColosoalMan I hate it when two 7 year olds fight their dragons and it causes twenty mass floods and a rip in reality >:(
JadeAmuletI guess I'm just catching random mons in harsholme to find some wroth ev training
ViralMagnumTyphloso what you guys up to? i'm trying to level up these mons to lvl 40 as usual
ColosoalCreepy black, feraligator (sleeping one), hell bell, and I forgot who else
ColosoalWe got kohaku if you want creepy pastas
MxDemeanorNo I named my gardevoir Hydreigon and my hydreigon Gardevoir
ColosoalHydregion doesn’t have a name because it’s already perfect :) (it was traded)
MxDemeanorI named mine Hydreigon
MxDemeanorgive it a dumbass name
JadeAmuletwhy no name for hydregion
ColosoalI think it’s a timer
BannanaRaccoonIs there a timer for when ghosts respawn in boriva or is there something I need to do
ColosoalThis squad shall conquer the world
ColosoalWe got the squad: zuzu the nodroro azumarill, daisy the primosella, pika2 the nuzzeltama, mercury the walrus, angel the togekiss, and hydregion the hydregion
MxDemeanorhe has no right being this funny about an Oddballs review
ProfessorPthen do it
MxDemeanorI should
ProfessorPthen catch him
MxDemeanorthis guy is wild
MxDemeanory'all :sob:
ProfessorPvye ascelin
AscelinI have to go
ProfessorPletsa get 20
Colosoal1 for hoenn and 3 for sinnoh
ColosoalSo this means 4 cups left
ColosoalNgl I’m thinking about selling the kanto birbs in cloudia cause I will have em in retro kanto already
MxDemeanorI'm so done with the internet
MxDemeanorand the sentence 'a sexy crocodile and a thicc white man' was just uttered
@Fuzzywhichever is easier for you
MxDemeanorI'm watching a review for a show
ColosoalDo I go for the trade riolu or get it from bastion
MxDemeanorthat is a brand new sentence
ColosoalSo guys
ColosoalSince riolu is a trade mon in hubs airport also
Colosoal1 cup left for hoenn and 4 (technically 3) for sinnoh
ColosoalOKAY SO
ViralMagnumTyphloi can't remember if it was for sale or you find it laying around somewhere
JadeAmuletooooh yeah the tm convention i forgot
atlasruneYou have to buy it in the tavern after some point in the story.
JadeAmuletyeah idk where
ViralMagnumTyphlothere's a TM of false Swipe in harlshome somewhere
ViralMagnumTyphloRip and tear
JadeAmuletdoes anybody know where i can get a false swpe mon in harsholme
MxDemeanoroh my god viral you look so cursed with bright red colour
NixcelpixThanks n_n
ViralMagnumTyphlogood luck nix!
ColosoalI will steal your 10th armaldo
MxDemeanorHI PROF
ColosoalBye bye
MxDemeanorbye nix!
NixcelpixHappy Playtime everyone o/
MxDemeanoroh hi fuzzy
@Fuzzyyou should see how many mountains costa rica has
NixcelpixWell, so much time playing Pokengine, i guess i'm going to do stuff about my projects
ColosoalThat’s a lot
ColosoalDang three
@Fuzzythere's three mountains :) but one isn't marked
ColosoalSo one of the two mts has to be a volcano
@FuzzyI do have areas on the map where I imagined them living, none are accessible yet
ColosoalOne is a regional form and it’s dex says it’s near volcanos
@Fuzzythey're meant to be native but very rare / endangered
ColosoalAre the rica starters native to rica or is it another starter is not from here situation
ColosoalBtw fuzzy
@Fuzzybut my rupsen was DELETED by the PC delete glitch years ago