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BladeVapgranted, i had both
Fargothyeah i played red
BladeVapAnd I like the exclusives better on Blue than on Red
BladeVapit's what I first played as a nine-year-old
ColosoalNgl I want to see a kaizo scarlet/vioket
Fargothwhich game version did you pick blade?
BladeVapahhh...but i digress, time for Pewter City
BladeVapfrom what i understand the guy who made it, the one with the shiny Swinub, is a real jerk
ColosoalEmerald kaizo has a lot of thought on Pokémon locations
BladeVapand still are
ColosoalIt’s really balanced surpisgly
BladeVapthey cracked how to get more moves into Base GSC, but refused to share with the hacking community
Fumi-LEXpolished crystal 9bit, I mean
IkeTheKnightim 2 years old
ColosoalWith good mons being stupidly rare
Fumi-LEXpolished crystal was a much better gen2 9bit is a much better gen2 experience imo
BladeVapI'm a huge hater on CC's devs
ColosoalIdk what about it
ColosoalNgl kaizo games seem really balanced in pokemon
BladeVaprenting houses was unique to be sure
Fumi-LEXcrystal clear's lack of story makes it feel directionless imo but I did like the following pokemon and renting houses
BladeVapbut yet, those two coverd it
BladeVapsecond off, playing a different game is one way to relive a game, but it's so different and chock-full of self-inserts that it's not really the same game
JadeAmuletoh really
ColosoalAs long as you have enough Pokémon
BladeVapfirst off, disagre, Crystal Clear sucks due to its mean devs
ColosoalMew, jirachi, celebi their yous my friend
BladeVapi personally have disdain for them calling Crystal Clear the "BEST WAY TO RELIVE GEN 2"
ColosoalI have them
BladeVaplike, yeah, the Mew glitch in RBY is well-known, we don't need to know about your clickbait!
BladeVapthere's a shorts channel on youtube with a couple that loves pokemon, but some of their info isn't very...well it's very well documented, but they spend their shorts on clickbait that's already well-known
BladeVapHere's something that grinds my gears, speaking of Pokemon
ColosoalOthers are fan games
Colosoal1 is bulbapdeida
ColosoalI have about 5 Pokémon wikis up
BladeVapbut it still feels odd to me
BladeVapI mean true
ColosoalGamefreak loves their kanto so
ViralMagnumTyphloyou can open a music player uwu
ColosoalTbh would you have a taken down game or a still up game
JadeAmuletpeople will just say whatever you want until you stop tortuting them even if they have to make stuff up
BladeVapnot OVERWORLD music
BladeVapside note, Retro Kanto not having music sucks
ViralMagnumTyphloA wise man once said, OUCH MY LEG! and i said, you're welcome (?)
JadeAmuletIts actually proven torture rarely gets you any useful information
BladeVapI don't plan on killing anyone
ColosoalDon’t worry about it
BladeVapWhat...are you talking about?
ColosoalAs a wise umbreaon once said: tortue is a better way to get information
ColosoalPinsir is better way to get info
BladeVappity i picked blue
ColosoalWe are hiding teh body
ColosoalGet the scyther
BladeVapMy brother in Arceus, you sent out a Weedle first
BladeVap"No! CATERPIE can't cut it!"
ColosoalAnyway I have a Neo blueberry academy idea but it feels odd
JadeAmuletid be real cool to see it reimagined as a standard game
ColosoalWhen we get RETRO PALDEA
ColosoalYknow what is gonna hurt when it happens
ViralMagnumTyphloneed to become a FALINKZORD
LightDiablowhat an entire army now?
JadeAmuletampharos is probably a top 20 mon, defintely top 3 johto mosn
ColosoalSpeaking of megas
ViralMagnumTyphloampharos is awesome, is cute, is versatile! mega evolution is floof
ColosoalPallet fields
ColosoalRetro kanto
BannanaRaccoonI hit away from voltstien D:
LightDiablou know where to get mareep?
ColosoalAmpharos it is
LightDiablou cant call urself a Johto trainer without ampharos
LightDiabloor an ampharos
ColosoalBut that feels to much of hgss
LightDiablomaybe togekiss?
LightDiablocolosoal tryna become Johto trainer
ColosoalIdk what to use as my 6th mon
ColosoalI plan to get the tower duo and all the fully evolved johto starters for my gold skin
ViralMagnumTyphlo*me boop the vape