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futuresushijext's trick
Zarutohow long does it take to respawn?
DrexTructionfor some reason
meggieportis finding devilicious the end of the fall festival events?
DrexTructionalso mew only knows aura sphere
DroncarYou can run or kill it and it will respawn but if you catch it that's it
Droncari answered you zaruto
MxDemeanorso many walls
Zarutoquestion can I only battle mew once?
MxDemeanoryes there are
DrexTructionjext isn't dumb
DrexTructionthere are walls
MxDemeanorbut one of the tiles near it is a safe tile
Droncaryou can run and kill it safely
DrexTructionI think that item might be fake
Zarutohow many times can I battle mew?
MxDemeanorspecifically in trial 9
MxDemeanoryou need to time some jumps here
DrexTructionidk, when I realized that you could run and jump instead of timing jumps to fly, parkour became much better
MxDemeanortrue true you do need the bike for some jumps
DrexTructionthe more I get used to it the better
MxDemeanorthe bike is only good for some jumps btw drex
DroncarIt's the friend you make along the way
Silkeregnthe prize is you get to say you've done it
MxDemeanornot yet anyway
MxDemeanorthere is no prize
Silkeregnthe prize is worth it
MxDemeanoryou'll hate the next trials even more though
DrexTructionwhat was now?
DrexTructionkinda hate that
MxDemeanorthis trial is basically trial and error
Droncarwe have gold tree at home
MxDemeanoryeah no i have no idea
Silkeregnits bald
Jono1sonI have a gold Wickvine
Droncargold tree
Silkeregngold stumple would look cool
MxDemeanorhold on
MxDemeanori think i forgot the rest
IcymossYo Jono
DrexTructionI swear I jumped here before and I fell
Icymossit does also get water pulse tho...
IcymossBut not a good sp.attacker ;-;
DrexTructionso now it reset
DrexTructionI did the first trial when I played red
futuresushipersian is already technicia
MxDemeanordrex you know you don't have to do the first trial every time you want to get to the second one, right?
IcymossGonna add a Technicon Swipt mon to my region >:)
SamKuklathousand tomatoes.
Silkeregnam I right
Silkeregnhit or miss
Icymossand cant miss
SamKuklagonna get that for STAB
SamKukla...swift is an aoe?
futuresushiswift and hyper voice eventually
SamKukla(or whatever its evo is called for that matter)
MxDemeanorman I gotta remember the pattern
SamKukladoes nekrocat learn any non-disarming voice aoes
PrimalI got 2 shiny stantlers already >:)
MxDemeanorokay drex come to route 0 now and I'll help you with trial 2
SamKuklathe exp grind in FF is nuts
Primalwhy would I need one mx
IcymossSS Blast is OP in retro
MxDemeanorprimal do you need a stantler i accidently brought an overpriced one on auction
DrexTructionand a shell smash blastoise, but ignore that
Primal:point_right: :point_left:
DrexTructionyay, I beat the game with a Venomoth
DroncarAlso how will Klefka prevent us on future kohaku update to access global PC without region reset?
Silkeregntell primal that
DroncarThis is actually confusing and in opposition to kohaku NPCs stating "everything will be gonne on the 30th"
MxDemeanornot hard to catch either
DrexTructionshell smash goes crazy
SamKuklaits catching it
MxDemeanornot that rare
Icymossfirst safari area
Primalnot that rare but sure
SamKuklathe hard part isnt finding it,
IcymossRare safari
FoxPro5774How do I get the Stantler?