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Ash-Ketchupyo icymoss
Ash-KetchupHi droncar
Droncarhi ash
Ash-Ketchupsup demeanor
Ash-KetchupHello guys
MxDemeanorthe ryhnorn are gone for me rn though
MxDemeanoryou need to touch the big ass trees to get the checkpoint
MxDemeanortouch the bushes
MxDemeanorjust go as fast as you can
SamKuklaoh no bro
MxDemeanorthe big bushes are checkpoints
MxDemeanoryou're better off using your bike and trying to rawdog it
MxDemeanorits rng
MxDemeanoryou're gonna hate trial 3
DrexTructioncan you try that black tile?
Icymossget the butterfly boi
DrexTructionare you kidding me
Jono1sonI may complete Fall Fest then just for the outfits, and continue Mushmol
MxDemeanorI keep finding paths that are easier than when i did it
MxDemeanorman i hate this invisible maze
Jono1sonOh that's neat.
SamKuklatrickypops can't evolve but i'm hoarding them
Icymossso I think 15th of next month they get put in your gift box
Icymossnope they get sent at the end
Jono1sonAny Global PC?
Icymoss30 mins to 1 hour
Jono1sonHow quick is it to get the exclusive skins?
Icymosslike 30 mins
Jono1sonIs Fall fest quite long btw?
MxDemeanorits not safe
UnknownMongreli think i ahve a map somewhere if you want it
MxDemeanorBut I'm helping drex
BaskOfSoftKittythe black tile next to the ledge at the end should be safe Drex
MxDemeanorI finished it
UnknownMongrelare you guys doing the invisable tile maze?
IcymossGL GL
Jono1sonI wish I could find my shiny Mushmol already x-x
MxDemeanorthe very very very top left
MxDemeanorfound another safe tile
Icymossnumber 152
IcymossI am now on gen 2 of white hands
Droncarthird shiny lickypop
DrexTructionthere was a wall in front of me
DrexTructionalright, that last tile isn't safe
DrexTructionfound the next part
MxDemeanoryeah to make sure you don't skip a part of the puzzle
DrexTructionso this might be a trap
DrexTructionthere's a wall here tho
MxDemeanoroh my god you're right
SamKuklai wish nyarn's evo line wasn't hidden so i could know
DrexTructionit always goes in zigzag
DrexTructionthat wasn't the way
MxDemeanorthe space under that next black tile should be safe i think
Icymoss31 or 32
SamKukla(it IS level 32 when it gets it right)
DrexTructionf it we ball
SamKukla3 more levels until my nekrocat can learn its sig
MxDemeanorokay i forgot the rest
MxDemeanorthat makes things easier for me
BaskOfSoftKittypokecenter 2nd floor Fox
DrexTructionthere's a safe space here
DrexTructionit's not a knight jump
FoxPro5774How do I get back to the Hub from Hoenn?
Zarutomb and thanks
DroncarI even said it twice
SamKuklaare dark types
Droncarlmao are you trolling?
SamKuklamy sole threat
SamKuklathe FF second area mons are strong now but at the very least
SilkeregnDroncar already answered that
MxDemeanorit respawns
Zarutowhat if I kill it lol?
MxDemeanora knight jump
MxDemeanorthis is a diagonal jump
Droncarno lmao just run
Zarutooh I gotta reset?
DroncarI got a golden one from resetiing
Droncaryes buddy
Zarutoyou sure?
DrexTructionimmediately, I'd assume
MxDemeanortheres a diagonal jump nearby