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jd_123_45are there any repels
jd_123_45yo guys in harsholme
LynxALot11The cave right before the Sea Path
LynxALot11The 2nd floor
LynxALot11Then look in the Hollows
breauxdogwent to the chapel already
Mellithaethen go to the church
Mellithaesearch the rest of the tunnels for the key and/or the drive
LynxALot11Did you get the chapel key?
breauxdogso where do you go after stopping the arsonist chick in harsholm?
Lum1neSwampert is my boy/girl
namer899and so is swampert
namer899hoenn is great
LynxALot11instead of the beginning of the Sea Caves
Eevieoh. my living dex will be uh... mostly done in the end.
LynxALot11and ended up at the beginning of Nipa Swamp
LynxALot11I just used a escape rope in the Sea caves
LynxALot11and that's from the very very end of the story lmao
LynxALot11... You can only get one Qamor Spoink tho
darkeryetdarkerman i just realized only 304 ppl have bombeetle... their really is a low number of ppl here huh
Eeviei hope so, my poor living dex dreams otherwise haha
LynxALot11I think Marshlands is working on it, I'm sure they'll fix it
darkeryetdarkerwell ig now we have a exlusive stock of  bombeetle lmao
Eeviemy dex progreessssssss
LynxALot11but now you cant evolve it in Easter Island
Eeviewell, regardless, thanks, i'll get it to lvl 20
LynxALot11Yeah I think they changed it for Okeno
Eeviei was looking on the pokengine page and it said hive stone, huh
darkeryetdarkersame i just leveled it to around 20 and done
LynxALot11I didn't use a Hive Stone
LynxALot11Yeah what??
darkeryetdarkerwait... wasn't that level evo before?
Eeviehey, i noiced that to evolve chococoon you need a hive stone, where can you find those?
breauxdoganybody else hate when you feel a sneeze but you cant sneeze
breauxdogbye ash
Ash_man_childatleast i could beat one of them
Vorngeplus I still got to start to work out the fakemons...
VorngeI want to present something cohesive as a showcase when I apply for the region somewhere in december but I dont really finalized enough neighbouring stuff to have a larger connected section of maps
LynxALot11Skysc - rayquaza - r is an amazing name for a Skyschippowdonr
Vorngeim kind of unsure what to do next
breauxdogah well hopefully you do find a shiny for your arsenal ash
VorngeI really should work on my thing and not grind the stupid skyschippowdonr...
&KingTapiri guess i could add a new title screen
Ash_man_childno i didnt catch the shint i saw it from another player
Blabety ty
breauxdognice ash
LynxALot11Like having that play after you get off the boat in the beginning cutscene would be cool
Ash_man_childoh another shiny
Vorngei saw that on the twitter account of it
&KingTapiryou can buy a region reset in the shop!
LynxALot11I like that one a lot
Vorngethat is so nice
Blabeis there a way to reset a region?
&KingTapirthis was the final logo
breauxdogoh and that looks like what you would find in that house not a graveston
LynxALot11yeah the font is kinda tricky to read for a title screen lmao
VorngeI already locked in that im just gonna do the bethesda treatment and pack the lore into interactable bookshelves
LynxALot11...Yes he made Harsholme
Ash_man_childnice shiny
LynxALot11I love reading lore
breauxdogwait I just realized isn't tapir a dev
&KingTapirit's read
LynxALot11fair enough
&KingTapirand you know if there's one thing this playerbase refuses to do
&KingTapirand hard to read
&KingTapirbut it looked a bit odd
&KingTapiri did a title screen actually
MelodyBDaruahyou will go down
LynxALot11You could've had a title screen animation like how Rica has the boat animation at the beginning
Vorngecant that really be added actually?