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Jono1sonI'm ofc gonna do a shiny-only run
BladeVapwait is it?
BladeVapI love going in and finding out what's new on my own
LynxALot11Easter Island is also getting an update soon-ish
BladeVapand that's good
LynxALot11so the mons are a surprise
Bsincerethanks a lot everyone!
LynxALot11That's probably why its not on the site yet
BladeVapHars is getting extra content though
BladeVapBorovia, Harsholme, Summer/Easter Island/Retro Kanto are all complete
jd_123_45I wanna see its fakemon
jd_123_45do any of you have the link to the region
Jono1sonI am **EXCITE**.
Jono1sonOr well, winter themes
Bsincerewhat region is closest to finish then?
Jono1sonIcestria YES
Bsincereah okay
LynxALot11You would have to ask Azria
✏JaneJewelDont think you can unlock it in Hoenn.
LynxALot11idk why
LynxALot11Yeah its not in the list yet
BladeVapi was not aware
Bsincerehow do i unlock the global pc?4
LynxALot11But yeah Icestria is planned for January so it'll probably be next
BladeVapI don't see one by the name
jd_123_45I cant see it in the regions database tho
jd_123_45Wait so incestria is almost complete?
LynxALot11I mean you cant really know what's "next" cuz its all different people working on different regions
MikeBikePieHow far does hoenn region go up to
darkeryetdarkerim waiting for that
BladeVapif it is, great, if not, i doubt it'll be next
Bsincereohh so its finished at norman for now basically?
darkeryetdarkericestria is the closest region to release so
LynxALot11I don't think Norman is available rn
BladeVapI genuinely don't think Lonava's next
darkeryetdarkerbsin its bc hoenn isn't finished
jd_123_45I am waiting for lonava
BladeVapHarsholme may be part of Lonava, but it is NOT Lonava itself
LynxALot11Who said its almost done
Bsincereis there any reason i cant walk into norman's gym after beating flannery?
jd_123_45its not?
LynxALot11Its not tho
BladeVapsi it?
jd_123_45sorry the region
BladeVapyou'll have to be more specific
BladeVapthe thing?
LynxALot11Sealver is a common mon
jd_123_45Bro the thing is almost done
darkeryetdarkerbc it takes time to make?
jd_123_45? Why would it not be open
jd_123_45guys is sealver worth it
darkeryetdarkerand it will 100% not  be for another few years
LynxALot11Not yet
jd_123_45Is lonava open yet
darkeryetdarkerabout lonova i need this guy from it :mon_00p98xdp:
LynxALot11You can see Harsholme on the Lonova Map
BladeVapI am aware. I just didn't realize that was the 150 prize
LynxALot11Harsholme is just an island off the coast
BladeVapYeah i know
LynxALot11Lonova is the mainland
LynxALot11but yes you can get it in Harsholme
LynxALot11its not in the Harsholme dex
LynxALot11Its a Lonova mon
BladeVapthere's a pokemon in harsholme i didn't get? o.o
LynxALot11Yep the Tapir mon made by KingTapir
darkeryetdarkerits this btw :mon_00xx38gn:
darkeryetdarkerand 150 i think for another thing :3
LynxALot11that's why its a challenge
jd_123_45anyway I can get only trash
jd_123_45bro I need 30 trash for the shiny
LynxALot11Repel only works for walking/surfing
LynxALot11with repel
LynxALot11you can still fish
LynxALot11that's not how repel works
jd_123_45will it not work
jd_123_45guys I am fishing for trash in harsholme with repel
breauxdoglodges or the people with bags over them
LynxALot11you can buy them
jd_123_45I can buy them at the lodges or are they in the wild