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Whopper223what there is a mystic garden
DrexTructionthat one don't have a map to check encounters yet
DrexTructionlike, in what region
Whopper223funny thing is he laughted so hard
DrexTructionwhere is mystical garden?
archen11I want to know if there is something rare, or if I am just looking for something thats not there
archen11is there a list of encountrrs for mystical garden?
Whopper223you can probalby guess why
Whopper223hey the other day i called my friend, who also has the same name as me: shiny me!
G_Bonzo_Beanopretty sure it's tm actually yeah wait
DrexTructionI think they mean on TM?
Shalamynesif it can
Shalamynesclick relearn moves
Shalamynesright click the mon in your party
G_Bonzo_Beanoanyone know where I can teach my Caramelix shadow ball?
samwichconlimonthat happens. just reload the page
SamKuklai accidentally opened it
SamKuklagod why is it not possible to close chat on mobile
IllusiveFoxfingers crossed
DrexTructionif you resfresh you should reappear before the fight with your mons damaged as they were when you refreshed
samwichconlimonif you didn't catch it, I think so?
IllusiveFoxmy game froze while i was fighting mightiro in borovia. if i refresh can i still encounter it again?
samwichconlimonbalanoral I think. Bluboon needs dusk
DrexTructionwhat evo needs dawn?
samwichconlimonunless the evo needs dusk or dawn
DrexTructionand evolutions
samwichconlimondawn counts as day for spawns
DrexTructionand dusk is in night
DrexTructiondawn is in day
@Fuzzyreload then
Legion_Sthe game time bg is still on dawn
DrexTructionday goes from 6am to 6pm
samwichconlimonyes? it ia noon?
DrexTructioningame it's 11:28, so yeah
Legion_Sdoes it count as day rn
PrimalI dont disagree with that. However the topic began with a certain tone of mockery
DrexTructioneh, I'd argue that the more knowledge people have about these kinds of things the more confident they can feel about themselves, but you put the rules
Primalits not a topic to dwell on
@Fuzzyyeah just move on
DrexTructionbut the mods said to drop the topic, so idk if it's save to share
DrexTructionalright, I'm back, just had to check quickly the medical definition of disorder
G_Bonzo_Beanothanks a bunch!
samwichconlimonas a joke/thought experiment, maybe. as a genuine idea? not in the slightest
G_Bonzo_Beanoshe looks so silly!
Shalamynesthere ya go
Whopper223you guys don't like my idea?
Shalamynesgo to middle
Shalamynesi can actually i see a way back
ShalamynesI would but i'm already deep in a region
G_Bonzo_BeanoI need someone to trade then
G_Bonzo_Beanodo I trade
G_Bonzo_Beanohow do I evolve it?
G_Bonzo_Beanothe i'll evolve my normal one then and see if I can get that shiny too!
G_Bonzo_Beanoalright then, thank you again!
G_Bonzo_Beanoyou sure?
Shalamynesi dont need it
Shalamyneskeep it bonzo
G_Bonzo_BeanoI feel kinda bad now
G_Bonzo_BeanoI just traded with someone for it lmao!'
@kyledove ★whopper do I need to ask 3 times
DrexTructiona natural whipped dream? wdym natural?
@Fuzzycan we not
Whopper223wait what about ADHD
DrexTructioni need to check my notes
DrexTructionor was that the definition of mental disorder?
Whopper223ok i am sorry :cry:
ActuallyMetaWhat an interesting time to look at chat.
DrexTructionautism isn't qualified as a disability because it doesn't prevent people diagnosed to live a normal, productive life
Shalamyneswait whats going on lol
DrexTructionplease don't talk bs
DrexTructionyou're not a doctor
@kyledove ★I literally said to keep it to yourself
Legion_Ssource: am autistic myself
Whopper223ok sam gets it
Legion_Sautism is a disability
DrexTructionautism is more of a personality disorder
DrexTructionmedically, no
samwichconlimonschizophrenia: +30% damage, -30% acc
Whopper223isn't autism one too?
DrexTructionthat one's a mental illness