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Kae, Jext ★, Zenonos, fushigino, Startled_Starby, Vanlehman, kyledove ★, SuperNovana, GoobyMcWbr, DrakenSilver, Dboyy, tetrislicious, Drago742, L_Tanuki, Norlandics, Gunni, Paperboy012305, Yoriku, underst00d, BaskOfSoftKitty, Nukaqaulluq, hannah, DarkWinterNightSky, Trollhunter, freshosaurus, rebar, Greywhoose, Exxnder, Warf12, envychimera, Count_Fapula, Haskipend, Ashers, Ascelin, d3wlight, ThisPumpkin, MaryAmarys, FlameRunner32, rocketleaf67, StarsNShapes, AutisticVenusaur, Garden17Remus, kingofclouds190, DigiDragoon, incompetentfool, shadooow, YTSamurai, quillbit, ABisLost, TGAnole55, Rapboysuave, skur ★, DravynLeCrux, Jalisqui, kenichi, PrinceLatios, CometTheIncandescent, JayJ, Primal
DrexTructiona non-global server is a useless server
Primalbut how will you get all pokemons
DrexTructionI mean, CV doesn't have global
Icymossabout to get white hand number 125
DrexTructionCV is global
DrexTructionnight is coming, and the bonslys will be the victims of my rage
Primaldo CV then
DrexTructionI am not sleeping until I get the LAST pokemon
samwichconlimonunless I get a shiny
Primalsounds like you need a break
DrexTructionI hate you, vegebun
DrexTructionand 15 more unshiny eggs that need to be released one by one
samwichconlimonI am not personally planning on getting caramelix
DrexTruction40 minutes of my life wasted
DrexTruction10 more carrots to the garbage can
DrexTructionit's not bunnelby
SamKuklahold on
archen11I'm down to trade
SamKuklawait it cant pick from party
DrexTructionmine is a nose
archen11anyone in twisted tihcket want to trade out their mushmol for eyeball pattern?
Primalsams together strong
SamKuklawant to help sam 1 out ....
SamKuklaur like very much next to me
SamKuklahey samwich
archen11?samkukia I'm in twisted thicket
SamKuklaim infront of the healing tent in FF @archen11
DrexTructionand the one you get in FF is random
DrexTructionthe one you get in TT is locked to your account
samwichconlimonthe form is tied to your trainer id
Primalits locked to your account
DrexTructionthere's 3 patterns
Primaloh archen
archen11or am I unlucky
archen11is mushmol always eyeball pattern?
Whopper223where areyou?
SamKuklai wanna get caramelix
DrexTructionthen I shall do it
SamKuklaanyone willing to help a homie out w/ a trade evo
Primalit does
DrexTructiondoes harsholme have global
samwichconlimonyou should do the trash quest in harsholme :)
Whopper223lol imagine
DrexTructionthis is agony
DrexTructionin 40 minutes
DrexTructionand 10 carrots
DrexTructionI have gotten 15 eggs
Whopper223mmm yummy
Whopper223ah crap
DrexTructionfirst you need to complete the lavender dungeon
Whopper223how do you get to the mystic garden
DrexTructionI will not suffer alone
DrexTructionif by the end of eastern I don't get a shiny I will curse this server
DrexTructionwhy am I getting so many eggs
DrexTructionit is insane that I have gotten more eggs than carrots
DrexTructionok I am going to make an omelette
DrexTructionyeah, but in kohaku's mystical garden there are just regular vulpixes
Whopper223oh ok :(
samwichconlimonbut you can get alolan vulpix in kohaku bytrading a kanto one
AminyOh, my bar
DrexTructionno, vulpix
AminySpinda is in Kanto?
DrexTructionso you might aswell go to kanto for one
AminyNo spots
archen11apperntly it has a different moveset
DrexTructionand vulpix is extremely rare
AminyIt is bald
DrexTructionI don't see a difference with regular spinda
Whopper223spinda vulpix duskull,wiglett?!!!!?
archen11the spina is apperntly a technical regional form
archen11I need sentret spinda and vulpix
DrexTructionbut if it helps, I know there's shuppet, gastly, duskull, cubone, sentret, spinda, vulpix, grimer and wiglets
archen11its at the very end
Whopper223 cus i am there rn
archen11oh wait there are encounters on the discord