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Serenoticyes, spit, at least from my experience with my Grandma lol
Eton11Because the CH sound makes beginners spit lol
PG55portuguese IS cool
Nicobernyit only works when you speak portuguese tho, my spansih friends dont understand portuguese at all
SerenoticGerman is the language of love and spit <3
Eton11I only took Spanish in school, but portuguese does sound cooler in my opinion
demonycif you can speak one of them you can also understand the other
Eton11Yeah I just didn't know the portuguese equivalent
demonycsimilar enough yes
FvfvfgrI already am..
PG55man, woman and dutsch
MajorKiwiwhere is the candy person in Borovia?
Doughzi mean portuguese and spanish are "kinda" similar so i might try
PG55oh the 3 genders
Eton11Yes :(
InkDrinkam i getting neutered?
Eton11Yeah, like how spanish has masculine and feminine, german has masculine, feminine, and NEUTER
PG55in dutsch?
PG553 genders?
Nicobernyaww yeah 3 genders, W german
Eton11There are 16 different situations to think about each time you need to say "the" because it has the 3 genders, plus 4 tenses, and its all an absolute pain
PG55i prefer portuguese
demonycenglish should be enough
Doughzi just stick to english tho i might learn spanish
Eton11Gender is hard in German
FvfvfgrI'm better at norwegian
Nicobernygod my dutsch is so rusty i dont even know how to speak anymore lol
Dracon32is there fast way to level on easter island
FvfvfgrIt is, I tried to have him teach me
Nicobernyhij zei het echt
Eton11I've been practicing to move to a german speaking country
PG55yeah its hard
FvfvfgrMy friend can speak german
PG55you speak german and is asking if i speak too
Doughzthey dont have a portuguese chat on discord so its kinda hard to know if there are any BR playing
Icymossoui oui
Eton11That was german yeah
demonycis that german?
Eton11ich spreche nur deutsch, was meinst du?
Dracon32togepi lets go
PG55oh yeah they cant know
Doughzso i just stick to english
Nicobernyoh yeah sorry x3
Doughzi just dont talk in portuguese cuz this is an english chat i think
Nicobernyta cheio aqui é mole
PG55you too?
Icymossnext to nurse joy
Doughzyou brazillian aswell PG?or from portugal
Icymosshi back
Dracon32where is pc
PG55sorry but im back
GappyI think its 4 commons in each area so dont be suprised if you get 2 of the same
IcymossChicken Nugget
Dracon32third yolken
Dracon32is yolken common
Dracon322 of same mon
Dracon32first fakemon egg lets go
ChronoCriticalafter part 1 i think you have it for part 2
SkittyladBike is after the story
Araimait's been over a year since I did part 1...I don't remember >.<
Dracon32where is bike
AraimaJust be aware that egg steps are not like, saved.  So if you refresh/disconnect your egg steps will reset
WesTheTyphlosionSame mechanic as in original game put the egg in your party and then walk
TheNewKingBretdo you would be dark type or shadow type?
InkDrinkregular lugia with red eyes and an aura ooo so scary
Dracon32and first egg is azuril
FvfvfgrCan I just say the art in this looks wonderful
AraimaYeah, you can get a bike tho
✏mattgcnim mostly sad they had a shadow lugia in Go and didnt make it look cool :(
Dracon32so do i just run to hatch eggs
InkDrinki wish they'd let shadow lugia into a mainline game
✏mattgcni dont think we have shadow lugia anywhere
Dracon32need one more egg then its hatching time
Eton11I think he was in a region
TheNewKingBretis shadow lugia code in this game?
FvfvfgrDang, I'm tweny five in harsholme according to the opening message and still being called kid
Eton11From my experience, its the ones that have a lasting effect without being a status move that don't work
Gechinoh well. 'preciate it
AraimaI've only hatched 283 eggs.  Feels like I should be well past 500 xD
Trispinbut multi-turn moves are generally not functional yet