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ChaoticOriginAtleast you didnt encounter shinies in easter island
demonycthis is actually infuriating
ChaoticOriginDont worry
demonyci have 0 control
demonycmy first shiny had to be in the safari zone goddamn
Doughzyou lost the coolest boy
ChaoticOriginAlong with levelling
Doughzyou suck
Doughzkidnap the wooperboy
ChaoticOriginTo travel through Easter Island you do need to pick up and hatch eggs
Pixiei mean, theres the guy asking for 4 alolan birds, do i get something worth it?
demonychoping he doesnt run
ChaoticOriginGo up from town
demonycfound a shiny whooper in the safari zone
Dracon32i still cant leave town
ChaoticOriginIm shiny hunting a Granityke
Dracon32i got totem what now
Doughzno its just a TFS reference
Doughzand then the super dee duper rod
Pixieis that an actual thing?
Doughzsuper duper rod
Pixiein cloudia is there something better than the super rod?
DarkMageEh tu, my son?
ChaoticOriginI Shall beat you with your own family
DarkMageJokes on you.. I am a fruit bat!
Eton11Fossil fighters region lets go
Doughzah ok
ChaoticOriginSomeone here finna lose a single shin
Eton11It really fights my fossils
ChaoticOrigin... Im getting the bat
Doughznever even heard of it
DarkMagecool concept, not super fun to play
Eton11Good game
ChaoticOriginSo whats everyones opinion of Fossil Fighters
Eton11That looks terrible out of context of the song
Eton11Oh oh oh ooooooOOO
DoughzSO HIGH!!!!
Eton11So high
samwichconlimoncan we get much higher?
Munchwe can
Doughzcan we what?
Eton11Can we?
DarkMageCan we not?
Doughzi dont remember much tho
samwichconlimonno refight option
Doughzi kicked a pregnant women it was fun i think
Pixiedo it again
samwichconlimonbeat a literal baby, feeling good
Skittyladnvm ignore me
Pixiei meant cloudia gauntlet
Skittyladthey heal you after every battle though
Pixieoh my god
Skittyladmaybe 10
Skittylad8 i think
Pixiehow many parts does the gauntles have
Eton11the dog works for gamefreak
Doughzthe puppy is gonna request a copyright from the band
Eton11Puppy named duck is a great indie band name
&stormbringer15next week you'll be yelled at by a duck named Puppy
FvfvfgrI'm being yelled at by a puppy named Duck
Tozinonvm i found it
Doughzmy previous cat name was Pitomba so i like ballonga cuz it feels similar
Tozinocan someone dm me where treasure chest is?
Eton11And Oomgaboomga
Eton11Doughz wait till you see Boongus
DarkMagegood evening everyone
Doughzprobably a name i am gonna save in my memory for a future pet
FvfvfgrI'm being growled at by a 6 week old puppy for not letting him chew on my laptop
Doughzballoonga is such a silly name i love it
Doughzto enter a hidden room
Doughztheres like
Doughzat the right side
Doughzyou gotta talk to the taxi guy
Doughzif not
Doughzdid you enter the manor?
BrilliantLoserwhere can I buy pokeballs in Borovia?
Doughzthe sinnoh one has regionals but not alot
Doughzman i wish there was a region with alot of regional variants