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&KingTapirSevern is a character in Harsholme!
Eton11Like there's already bicurious, shouldn't it be gaycurious
Doughzcaught me off guard
Doughzbut when i came back yall talking about fnaf
Eton11But I think the terminology is weird
Doughzits a lake
Munchi cleffa with pans too
Doughzi was searching who severn is
Eton11I still thought gay panic meant you were scared of being gay until it got mentioned here
Doughzi was just surprised
&KingTapirmimicrat evolves at level 32 at night
BladeVapas a note, I am pansexual so this is not a jab at anyone
Nicobernyyk what fair
BladeVapit's gay panic =)
BladeVapit's horror, and it contains a really gay bnnuy
Doughzwait wtf FNAF?
BladeVapnot normally no
Nicobernyi... i dont think thats how it works...-
Eton11Bonnie is a gay icon
BladeVapI JEST
BladeVapby that logic, Eton, FNAF causes gay panic because of the most amazing bunny ever: Bonnie
Fvfvfgrpanic hh**
FvfvfgrAlso I have had gay panichh
Doughzbut why severn?
FvfvfgrI'm watching Markiplier
Eton11No I have, Markiplier
Eton11I'd watch it though
Nicobernyoh you sweet summer child. ya never had one.
Eton11Why is it called gay panic? sounds like the name of a pro-lgbt horror movie
Tozinodo we know what's the last pokemon in summer island?
Dracon32is it worth buying eggs from egg seller
Doughza lake gave you panic?
ChaoticOriginWhat level does Mimicrat evo
Nicobernyi thimk severn gave me the biggest gay panic ever.
BladeVapand he turned each feature into an amogus and i choked on my coffee
BladeVapand he's like "Blade, i made it SUPER SUS"
MunchDoes leilune spawn in the church at a specific time?
BladeVapI showed my entry to my friend
arcadhow do i use fly?
Pixiei cant beat part 5 augh
demonycnaah they are all dead i dont care
BladeVapi just posted a goomypost relating to the art contest
ChaoticOriginI will go straight for your shins
Doughzjust cuz one flower hurt you doesn´t mean you should kill all of them
ChaoticOriginDemon, You dont dare touch my children
BladeVapwell heckie!
Eton11thanks, got a gift from a rock
Pixiei wish alakazam would stop oneshotting me with future sight
Doughzthats why you suck
demonycim sorry
demonycima kill every whooper i see from now on
&KingTapiri hope it shines for you soon
&KingTapirbut keep at it and good luck!
&KingTapiroh gotcha
ChaoticOriginKinda just beating up pokemon at level 23
ChaoticOriginNot there yet
Doughzi am using it to heal the hp
&KingTapiryou can get hordes there
Doughzwell is it considered abusing a glitch?
&KingTapirwhere the big snake is eating the rock
&KingTapirthere's a room with exclusively granityke
ChaoticOriginWhat Tapir?
Eton11Ah Tapir I didn't see your message, that's even more of a troll lmao
&KingTapir@chaotic origin
Skittyladthey only heal hp
Pixiei dont think they do
Doughzin harsholme you get a portable one
Doughzare the pc supposed to heal pokemon?
demonyclike tha grounded thing idk
demonycits probably not fully working
Doughzquick question
Pixiebut roost works?
&KingTapirdid you try talking to the rock :eyes:
&KingTapirare you talking about the tidal tunnels
demonycnot implemented
Doughzdoes it mean not working?
Doughzdude whats the (N) things on moves
demonycwhy game
demonycand i lieterally caught a whooper before finding that one
Eton11Harsholme gotta be the trolliest region I've ever played, I just went down a long cave passage that led to a tiny room that's also a dead end lol
demonycthats unlucky
ChaoticOriginEsp when I encountered like 3 shinies on there whilst training
demonycthen i go to the saffary zone, finnaly found one and he ran
FvfvfgrI remember finding a shiny before I got pokeballs once
demonycbut man i complteted every region in the game 0 shinies
demonycyeah that ust have sucked
ChaoticOrigin**You have to kill them**