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PG55just pain
PG55theres no live on those eyes
Icymossnot a ghost type >:) not dead
Gliscor13978Come with me
PG55look at its eyes
darkeryetdarkertbh to this day i wish parasect got a new evo that would put it pain to end/
BunnyKairoyeah i mean hermit crabs will evict a snail or wtv if they so deign
PG55but it is *(probably)* dead
PisonIf you consider the mushroom to be the hermit crab, then sure.
ColosoalOh god I just realized I have to do the kanto leader tournament 6 more times
Vespersnowin the house with sinclair
Icymossbeing controlled =/= dead
PG55now its a corpse with a fungus inside
BunnyKairojust, a little more unsettling
BunnyKairothen they're just like hermit crabs no?
PG55at least the conscious part
PG55it has
BunnyKairowell zombie would imply parasect has actually died
darkeryetdarkerwell that is what happens to bugs some fungi eat the host body from the inside
Gliscor13978Where are you vespersnow
PG55not the other way around
Sincubuscreepy af
PG55Parasect is a fungus controling a zombie
Sincubusbut I mean literally the spider fungi zombie thing
Vespersnowis there a guide for cloudia?
PisonParasect is literally a zombie controlled by a fungus
PunchedFruitMedusa arbok real
Zaxaronehey  all
Sincubusits more of a mushroom crab
PG55Darker i dont see Wynaut
Gliscor13978don't hurt the spider
dawnishdays:mon_00vgrvb3: this is such a cool mega concept.
HowieruxSincubus, I mean that's kinda Parasect?
starrisoulfoxohey guys did you know that vultures actually help stop the spread of dangerous diesases?
darkeryetdarkeractually when we talk about lil fellas is this a lil fella :mon_00tr7um1:
Sincubusthere should be a mon of that zombie fungi spider thing
Gliscor13978:mon_001ni5ml: :mon_00u2mpkq:NO GLISCOR
HowieruxThere's a spot at my work where Vultures frequently nest, we get to see them up close
PG55big birds but birds
BunnyKairoi mean, they'll be predators if they need to be
PG55theyre just birds
PG55and theyre not predators
BunnyKairolike they'll still avoid humans but
Sincubusspider puff ball boi
BunnyKairovultures dont have a lot of natural predators
PG55idk what they should be
darkeryetdarkerthat is another lil fella
PG55Vultures are...
Sincubusboth are fellas
BunnyKairowhich makes them extra cool
PunchedFruitif not horrifluff, :mon_00kwkw7p: is probably a fella
PG55are they?
BunnyKairovultures are also super friendly apparently
PG55a Gliscor
darkeryetdarkeralso tbh your corpse has would have worms and other things eating it pg
PG55yes, Gliscor
Suki_DreemurrTBH props to carrion eaters for keeping the wild clean
PG55the wisest thing said today
darkeryetdarkerbois... sent your mons out
PG55if you find it, id be grateful
BunnyKairoprobably not too picky
BunnyKairoi think it could probably eat ur corpse yeah
darkeryetdarkeryour corpse is tho
PG55im not edible
Sincubustake a chill pill, pal
PG55im already dead
BunnyKairo2 birds with one spode
BunnyKairomebbe we should use you since u wanna be such a buzzkill
PG55Bunny youll be the food
darkeryetdarkertbh you can use horrifluff as a protection against rain lmao
PG55we'll domesticate Horrifluff using Bunny
BunnyKairoit can just, let me give it food
dawnishdaysDo we need a ghost pokemon that eats souls again?
BunnyKairoit would learn that instead of hunting
PG55you, Bunny, will be the food
Sincubushe's a lil guy
BunnyKairoand like literally every other domesticated animal
darkeryetdarkerpg nah horrifluff is a lil cutie
PG55not humankind, just you
BunnyKaironah, i'd just feed him meat
Suki_DreemurrLet people have fun man.
PG55youre the food
Sincubusperish on that hill, I guess, pg55
BunnyKairohorrifluff is for sure a fella just literally provide it with food
PG55its dangerous and you shouldnt hug it
PunchedFruithorrifluff is a fella
Sincubushorrifluff is a fella
BunnyKairoget rotated