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Gliscor13978:mon_00hxro0b: mine is fluffier
BunnyKairoshark can try
PG55Horrifluff is not a fella
BunnyKairoonly if its hungry, and it thinks it can kill you without being too injured
Sincubushumans eat people, yet we're around them all the time
darkeryetdarkershark? they will bite your leg off if they smell you
Suki_DreemurrI'm more chill with Omnivores
BunnyKairothey'll kill you for being near them
PG55but that thing will
Sincubushe not gonna munch
BunnyKairostuff like bulls and deer?
Pisontbf, cats and dogs are carnivores
Gliscor13978I forgot how to do it
BunnyKairotry and hurt you
BunnyKairolike you can be near a big cat and it wont like
BunnyKairocarnivores are actually usually the most friendly
PisonSo are people
PG55its : not *
Sincubusalso not real
PG55that thing is dangerous
Sincubuswho cares, not real
Sincubusso are people
PG55and it eats humans
PG55its carnivore
Sincubusthe nicest fella
Sincubushorifluff is just a nice lil fella
PG55if you saw one of those in the woods, what would you do?
PunchedFruitlook how FLUFFY it is
PunchedFruitstill huggable
Sincubusidk, some might say its average
Gliscor13978And Ho-Ohs
lierchuchesreally big
PG55thats big
Gliscor13978I was fishing lugias earlier
PG55:mon_001ni5ml: is 4.50 m tall
PisonDoduo is a fish, obviously
PunchedFruitdoduo have gills (real (real (fake)))
dawnishdayswhere the doduo uses its heads like a helicopter
dawnishdaysya ever see that video..
Vespersnowok how did i just fish up a dodou?
Gliscor13978Pikipek is the first pokemon you have to catch
dawnishdaysI was like "wait that shouldn't be possible what"
dawnishdaysOh wait I misread lmao.
Vespersnowoh ok i have to catch something with the good rod
dawnishdaysthat's a wiglett with dry skin.
Gliscor13978Thet one
lierchuchesif someone wanna learn a little im here
PG55Sin why did you honk?
lierchuchesni lier naiz
PG55and a little english
UncivilWorddoes anyone know what the shrine in the swamp of rica does?
PG55i speak portuguese
Vespersnowwhich 1 is sinclair?
lierchuchesand me in euskera
NixcelpixYeah, only that
Nixcelpixi can start talking in Chilean!
Gliscor13978Me no hables espanol
DaltonisYeah me too
darkeryetdarkeri can starting talking in polish if you want
SincubusI can honk, is that helpful?
Gliscor13978In the house at sky port
PG5510-15% ig
BunnyKairoi can speak french does that help
Gliscor13978You have to talk to sinclair
NixcelpixNo mucho lierchuches
lierchucheshow much here talk spanish?
PisonQuokka would probably be my 2nd fave animal
BunnyKairoi thinkt thats fair, spiders are cool but i am pretty arachnophobic a lot of the time
darkeryetdarkeri just love those lil guys
PG55amphibious is olm
Vespersnowhow do i progress through cloudia?
lierchuchesim cat/snake/
NixcelpixGiant' enemy spidah
PunchedFruitspiders are cool
darkeryetdarkertbh my fav animal is a spider
PG55mammal is cat
NixcelpixJust kidding, Bunny/Rabbit and cats!
DaltonisCheetah all the way baby
dawnishdaysFennec Fox.
BunnyKairoyou'll never believe what mine is
lierchuchesmine is snake