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wheresandshrewMe am try catch all Sandshrew I'm meet.
Suki_Dreemurrnah. i catch every zorua i can
darkeryetdarkertbh im hording everything if i had time i would sell evs trained ones... not aurora tho she stays with me
dawnishdaysthere's a difference.
dawnishdaysYou two are shiny hunting.
Icymossmarimigo for me
Suki_Dreemurrim hording zorua too, but i gatekeep them
dawnishdaysProbably keep the best one for myself.
dawnishdaysI'm here to hoard them and sell them off.
dawnishdaysI don't care for its shiny.
darkeryetdarkerdawn i told you tyrant is calling but now its gone
dawnishdaysOfc.. now that I'm not shiny hunting.. tyrunt's gonna pretend it's extinct.
wheresandshrewOh! I'm not known. Thank dawnishdays Suki_Dreemurr!
dawnishdaysTYRUNT, come out of hiding. I know your little ass is here.
darkeryetdarkeractually now that i think about should i hunt larmidge?
Suki_Dreemurrsafari only uses safari balls
dawnishdaysNope, fast balls.
wheresandshrewAm can find Quick Balls Safari am think Suki_Dreemurr?
Suki_Dreemurrbut i may want other mons than zorua
Scravoi'm after a turtle
darkeryetdarkerit doesn't rly help tho your doing safari most of the time suki
Icymossscravo i see your also after a :mon_00uw3jkk:
ScravoIs Mawribou anny good? it has a crazy 175 base atk
Suki_Dreemurrbut i need them in
Vespersnowi bought some on harsholme suki
dawnishdaysRarely from exchange shop apparently.
XiterokLook on it's page
darkeryetdarkeryou can in rica
Suki_Dreemurri miss them
Suki_Dreemurr...can you get quickballs in this game
Daltonis50 Trash \o/
darkeryetdarkeractually how does tentacruel's shiny look
Vespersnowyo this gauntlet thing on cloudia is kinda hard lol
Suki_Dreemurri grinded an ability capsule for my eevee to have it handle adapt
darkeryetdarkeri hope i don't get tentacruel as a shiny.
Suki_Dreemurrye i read it yesterday
DaltonisAdaptability Eevee can throw hands lol
DaltonisWith Last Resort being (N) currently
Suki_Dreemurri hope i dont get a shiny here, otherwise the safari hunts will be all for nothing
dawnishdaysthis dragon's going to pretend to be extinct.
dawnishdaysAnd now that I'm not shiny hunting..
darkeryetdarkeri mean less
Suki_Dreemurrthen vee.
darkeryetdarkernah im not joking when your hunting most of the time shiny just appear more for me tbh
DaltonisHonestly Eevee is kinda strong rn
Suki_Dreemurrwhat do yall say. should i evove my eevee into sylveon or should i let it stay as a small vee. i already have a fairy type but i wouldnt mind another
dawnishdaysyou're funny.
darkeryetdarkerdawn that means shinies will come to you
dawnishdaysjust hunting rare mons.
dawnishdaysIronically not hunting shiny, as I'm sworn off it.
darkeryetdarkeralso their is a place in this game where trainer are not over leveled then the wild mons
darkeryetdarkerhoho archick is always here well ig i can also hunt it
Suki_Dreemurrfind it funny how much weaker the trainers are to the wild pokemon
dawnishdays.. cave party, apparently.
XiterokUntil you don't hurt others
darkeryetdarkerwell ig time to hunt starphin
XiterokJust play the way you like
Suki_Dreemurrand i need to train my eevee
Suki_Dreemurrnever been here before
Suki_Dreemurrjust wanted to check this place out
dawnishdaysNot sure what you're hunting here but good luck.
dawnishdays.. I see.
Suki_Dreemurrhere i am
darkeryetdarkeri was meant to hunt it
dawnishdaysWait are you in this god forsaken cave?!
darkeryetdarkerwait you... :mon_00lmh2wo:
Suki_Dreemurrcrazy to see you here
Suki_Dreemurromg hi dawn
darkeryetdarkerwell ig i will switch it up and do r2
Suki_Dreemurrtonight it follows
DaltonisHey btw can you trade items with mons?
darkeryetdarkeran till night comes
darkeryetdarkerwell for rica is gonna get hunted
wheresandshrewAm try reload page Nowt88?
Suki_Dreemurrdidnt know you were here
Nowt88how do  i MOVE
dawnishdaysSigh. back to this malarkey again . . .
XiterokLook on wiki
darkeryetdarkerwell then phamtump i will comeback later
Suki_Dreemurrfigured it'd be the darker grass
darkeryetdarkerso its night.
darkeryetdarkerwhere does it spawn.
dawnishdaysIt spawns in the grass at the entrance.
dawnishdaysIt doesn't.
Suki_Dreemurrwho knows