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dawnishdaysPhantom force still protects any mon on turn 1 before impact.
darkeryetdarkerexpect steel
darkeryetdarkerso its deal 2x to any type
darkeryetdarkeractually lets count the nuke as nuclear type
darkeryetdarkerwell  if its fast enough
PisonDepends, would a Nuke be considered physical or special?
wheresandshrewSandshrew Dig dodge nuke? Yes no?
dawnishdayscause it legit can just poof out of the dimension for one turn while the nuke comes down.
darkeryetdarkerany ground type
Suki_Dreemurrwhat if we get gardevoir to summon a black hole that eats up the nuke
dawnishdaysAnything that can learn phantom force.
darkeryetdarkerim already in the void dawn
Vespersnowi putting my money on gengar
dawnishdaysBanish darker to the void.
PunchedFruitghost types
darkeryetdarkerok lets start a war what pokemon would survive a nuke the best legederies and mythicals don't count
Vespersnowmy face when rock happens to be my favorite type lmao
dawnishdayswhich is a fossil, but it's rock dragon.
Suki_Dreemurrspeaking of Aggron, i find it funny that its mega just looses the rock typing because it is genuinely better lmao
dawnishdaysThere's also Tyrantrum.
Vespersnowthey have 700 stat total you just cant see it cause its invisible
darkeryetdarkergliscor i just mean if it can survive a nuke in general
dawnishdaysWas remarking on the rock = mid comment.
Gliscor13978Aggron isn't in johto
Vespersnowwooper is a legendary pokemon
Gliscor13978Wooper always wins
darkeryetdarkeractually would aggron survive a nuke
Vespersnowthats who wins
Vespersnowwho wins
Vespersnowyour nasty
PunchedFruitonix vs. a single blade of grass, who wins
dawnishdaysAlso eviolite Rhydon?
Gliscor13978We have viscors bunker dont worry
dawnishdaysTHere won't be any fossils to sell...
darkeryetdarkerrock type insta make a mon mid
Vespersnowwe can sell there fossils for money
dawnishdaysAlso if you're using a rotom nuke, there will be nothing left.
darkeryetdarkervesper but they will be mid
Gliscor13978I don't think the fossil will still be there
dawnishdaysYou are not ruining these pokemon's typing.
wheresandshrewYay! Sandshrew!
Vespersnowlisten we can revive them from fossils later
darkeryetdarkerthe standler slander is not getting tolerated tonight
Gliscor13978And Sandshrew
Gliscor13978AND skarmory
ILoveCrustlei support the furrets (i might or might not be biased because of my golden furret)
dawnishdaysTHis skarmory slander will not be tolerated.
Gliscor13978The rest can die
Gliscor13978And Ampharos
Gliscor13978And totodile
ILoveCrustlethat's not a year buddy that's his kill count
Vespersnowwooper reigns supreme as the only gen 2 pokemon
Vespersnowrefuisal ]
PunchedFruitignore what cyndaquil did in 1874 that doesn't matter
Gliscor13978Save the cyndaquil
Gliscor13978Not my favorite starter noo
PunchedFruitcyndaquil did nothing wrong
PisonStill no Nidoran F
Vespersnowyeah so it can evolve into its ghost type
Pison105 Nidoran M, 138 Rattata, 33 Spearow
darkeryetdarkerit is a charmander copy so it would not matter
dawnishdaysI'm actually going to try to catch a certain mon and place them on the auction house.
darkeryetdarkercyndaquil can died tho
demonycez spain
Suki_Dreemurrive hit my 100th Zorua encounter now
Gliscor13978Protect the totodile
wheresandshrewI'm mean Sandshrew not Sanhrew.
darkeryetdarkerprotect the dino cutie
ILoveCrustleprotecc the little grass dino
Hanamidorihi guys
darkeryetdarkernah chikorita needs to live
wheresandshrewJohto Sandhrew are live?
Gliscor13978Furret no