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Jext ★, Lady_Vengeance, LucifersEyes, antoniosafe, DrakenSilver, Meowser, Toadstool, DravynLeCrux, Capsule, gunayara, BaskOfSoftKitty, Icymoss, LouisP, Greywhoose, IceThunder, shark47, CaptainSucc, LadyYuriko, Godslayer10X, Paperboy012305, darkeryetdarker, GingerGuy99, Murderousmeow, Droncar, Drakhis, PrincessMira, FlackoSenju, Nickz, Anycade1, AnTyep, Kirybdis, SinfulDesires, Lavalord1128, Aulzen, Colosoal, MajiiN, Shakalen1234, AWildCaveman, Lucasoliver, HugoBrawler157, I_ARE_CHEESE, gandrilyoseff, THEONEPIECE, Laxing, roninja729, AutisticVenusaur, Marika
@kyledove ★I could use game time
LynxALot112 min ingame
@kyledove ★one minute...
Paperboy012305Well it was nice knowing you guys.
EiaedenWill there be christmas stuff Kyle
LynxALot11like when you reset a region
LynxALot11I assume we'll get sent to the menu
CaladbolgJext takes it all
+Pyrrasuaahhh I'm not done evolving
ngoomieprobably kicked out
CaladbolgWe lose our accounts
LynxALot11At least I got all the mons
CaladbolgLetz gooooo
Paperboy012305What's gonna happen to us when we stay?
Paperboy0123051 more minute left folks!
LynxALot11I'm sad I missed it :(
Paperboy012305Yeah yeah.
@kyledove ★was really fun watching people document it like real life pokemon researchers
LynxALot11Its almost midnight ingame
TechnoJunglebetter go to the circle no luck last min shiny
BaskOfSoftKittythe end is nigh
@kyledove ★great job everyone figuring out the skweek spawns
LynxALot11I like how the circles make you glow
Paperboy012305It better at least have good base stats, because I know it's a fast physical attacker.
Spocklatemega mouse
LynxALot11It evolves into Sans Undertale
ZachTart26its 1 twist for 3 twirls?
TechnoJunglebigger orb
Eiaedenplot twist
Volcanronso HA carries or is just a lil guy
@kyledove ★...yet ;)
LynxALot11It looked like a single stage mon
ngoomiebal must stay orb
ngoomiei didn't think so
CaladbolgNo surprise LOL
Paperboy012305I KNEW IT!
Volcanronyeah checks
@kyledove ★skweek has NO evolution!
@kyledove ★no harm in revealing a few mins early for those here...
Volcanronglad to experience my first event in this
Paperboy012305This was truly my first seasonal event that weren't the permanent ones.
TechnoJunglelove the event, love holloween event in any game.
Icymossty based kyle very rad very fun
LynxALot11also I Speedrun FF today but it was still really fun
EiaedenI wish I'd started playing sooner to have more time with it x.x
LynxALot11This looks like one of the pics that are on the front page
Volcanronawesome event
BaskOfSoftKitty5 minutes left :trainer_012numag::item_06hg6d1f::mon_00f7vkgg:
CaladbolgIt was lovely Kyle!!
MaskedToastit was great
ngoomiei sure did!
Paperboy012305It's full now.
@kyledove ★hope you all enjoyed it :)
MaskedToasti'm at circle if you guys wanna celebrate
BaskOfSoftKittyand my single gooey mulch
ZachTart26whoa this music is cool'
MajiiN34 poke doll lol
ZachTart26didn't play it soon enough
ZachTart26am scared ;-;
BaskOfSoftKittyrip my 14 moon stones
LynxALot118 min till TT and FF over
NixcelpixHi zach!
Caladbolgwhere were you when club FF die
Paperboy012305I didn't get my shiny Skweek either...
ZachTart26hi guys!
Volcanronit is also not rat o clock
LynxALot11We must gather at the Fall Fest Ritual Circle
Paperboy012305AHHH NOOOO!
NixcelpixOH NOOO
Volcanroncause its still active
ngoomiethere prob will be after the event is over i'd bet
LynxALot11I'm still surprised that there aren't more Kohaku Wigletts on the auction
MajiiNA rat invasion will take place now
BaskOfSoftKitty10 minutes left :trainer_012numag::item_06hg6d1f::mon_00f7vkgg:
ngoomiei can't wait to sort out my 6 boxes of mons from TT and FF combined once the event is over
AlterZweigonna make sure the mouseball is worthless >:^)