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Jext ★, LouisP, Greywhoose, Lady_Vengeance, Toadstool, Liracle, LucifersEyes, IceThunder, shark47, yasirburton2004, Dino534, Hoshikuzu, DrakenSilver, Paperboy012305, Maert21, Marika, BaskOfSoftKitty, FlackoSenju, Capsule, Hurrowt, Mark_Marky_, Miius25, Clandestine, ReuKnight22, Tebu420, tetrislicious, Icymoss, roninja729, Shakalen1234, Dexforitas, thatguyyanni, Kageleaf, Likoy, ShionF, AE69
Paperboy012305And since the gift box can only hold so much, will some mons not make it?
ngoomieoh jeez
Spocklateim nothybrid travel and battle screen
@Fuzzywhenever he gets to it
@Fuzzyjext manually moves them so it'll be a whole
Paperboy012305So how long will it take for every mon to be in the gift box?
Spocklateone sec
Spocklateit did but...
Spocklateno worries
@kyledove ★it should have put you in the travel screen
@Fuzzyyes I evolved my alt's cat before kyle booted me!
Spocklatelol that broke my game
TechnoJungleanything new in kohaku?
@Fuzzyegg steps have been on the site forever
ngoomieim an impatient baby im gonna go mess around in kohaku while i wait
LynxALot11Wait when did egg steps get added to the dex site?
Spocklateshould i leve manually
ngoomieme after my mons have not appeared in the gift box after 0.5 seconds: :eye: :lips: :eye:
@kyledove ★no one is safe...
Spocklatelol im one
TrainerWiiI have been smitten…
@kyledove ★running around catching stragglers
@kyledove ★does that not kick you out ok it does
TrainerWiiAm i qbout to face judgement?
TrainerWiiKyle appeared
LynxALot11wait how do I do it again
Paperboy012305Ouch to Nix.
LynxALot11Skweek is on the site
NixcelpixI hate my life ;-; the electricity goes off in the last minutes of FF
Paperboy012305Wow. That's ZU material.
TrainerWiiDo we get kicked out?
CaladbolgAnd 1720 have been caught
ngoomiestill got nothing in my giftbox :pensive:
TechnoJungleradioactive ooze was covered in the magic circle I see
CaladbolgSkweek base stats revealed
LynxALot11is that same for anyone else
ngoomiesudden craving for beesed churger
LynxALot11also the screen keeps going black for a few sec for me
LynxALot11At least until dusk cuz then we'll get dim again
TechnoJunglethe plot wont let you
Paperboy012305Good luck, I have a 0% catch rate.
ZachTart26ima catch u cause ur a shiny >:)
LynxALot11and then we got kicked so we're shiny now
Spocklateim scaredx
TechnoJungleim shiny
LynxALot11they made us glow
LynxALot11Cuz we were standing on the circles in FF
Paperboy012305Sure sure.
Paperboy012305Why are we still glowing?
LynxALot11from the ritual
LynxALot11I'm still glowing
Spocklatemods im still shunting
TechnoJunglenoooooooooo dont leave meeeeeeeeee
Volcanronok now that events are largely done can we move HUB below Harsholme
LynxALot11you just get kicked out if you try to go there
@Fuzzycultists when the rapture doesn't come on time
LynxALot11btw TT and FF are still on the list lmao
zaynainhihi! Doesn anyone know where i can get TM35 (Flamethrower) in Kanto?
Spocklatewait why am i still here
Paperboy012305Again, no shiny Skweek from me, but that was to be expected.
LynxALot11I'm saving that image Icymoss
Paperboy012305Well it was fun while it lasted.
Icymossgz ty mods <3
ngoomieIt's Joever
Paperboy012305WHAT IS ICY DOING!?
ZachTart26it happened/
CaladbolgNow it is awkward, because it is not dying
TechnoJunglebye everone
LynxALot11well 4 ingame min ago
LynxALot11Cuz that's what it was
LynxALot11Wait did you not plan it so midnight in game time is also the time the event ends?
Paperboy012305Cease us from existing.
TechnoJungleso do we get kicked out to hub?
Paperboy012305It's time.