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PG55i still have nothing to show you from my region :[
TyinykThat's a cool pitch.
Terraclawfinally rica
Pokebioit's for my itnernet/digital themed region
Pokebioare you talkign to me pg?
OngoingBoatsorry I was unable to see their names
Zaxaronert29 has hoot hoot, and rattata, at night while daytime has sentret pidgey and rattata
XiterokI think 2 people want to help you, seen their 0
PG55whats that?
Pokebiowow the custom night system
OngoingBoatanyone who wants to trade a linkite say "0"
PG55does it change the encounters?
Zaxaroneits a retro map so i had to make spetate ccode for it
PG55night time?
OngoingBoatif anyone wants to trade a linkite say "0"
Zaxaroneoh oh and
Pokebiofinally the mom will have more to say then 3 lines of dialogue
Zaxaronegot the idea from crysal clear
XiterokIf you want to trade Liknite
PG55well foght our mom?
PG55wait a sec
XiterokI'm in graveyard
Zaxaroneso far im up to cherrygrove
OngoingBoatdoes anyone want to trade a linkite
PG55id play it
PG55its pretty cool
PenguinEmissaryI posted a bug report on the Discord
Pokebioyes please zax
PG55yeah, smth like that
Zaxaroneyou guys want a lil peek
XiterokCalm down Broly
PG55it would be the same thing
PG55have you ever tried to kill a god?
TyinykAll this to say: I support Rica's global PC remaining accessible after the first gym.
Zaxaronemom,oak,giovanni and maybe some others
PokebioI'm havign a  depression on the main story rnso I do'nt focus too much on the region
Zaxaronei have a couple diff fights planned fo rpostgame
PG55you can bring Mega Rayquaza and it would still be hard
PG55there will be a very hard fight post game in my region
PokebioI can't wait for your battle subway zax
TyinykIt feels like you're playing a bunch of different fan games that all have a jump button.
TyinykBut if you're not doing HUB content, it doesn't really FEEL connected.
Zaxaronetheres gonna be some hard post game fights in my johto. being whatever mons you want to those
TyinykBecause the big difference of Pokengine is the existence of the global PC, and all these different regions being connected.
Pokebiosimple you reset all but the global pc variables (pokedex is stored elsewhere so it woudl'nt delete that)
samwichconlimonFrankly, you could have global require e4, but not necessarily champion completion. If you wipe to champion, you can transfer in mons for an easier time
Zaxaroneyoud have to reset a lot of variables but not all of them
TyinykI don't even want to sweep with a powerful Mon, I just want to be able to bring the Pokemon I think are cool from other regions to play a new region.
PenguinEmissaryAm I experiencing some kind of glitch?
PG55if i do my region in Pokengine *(in a very distant future)* id put the Global after the last important event
XiterokLike "Reset+ region"
Zaxaroneseems like a coding nightmare
Pokebioand get to famr goblins
PokebioI want to beat the crap out of borovia
Pokebiooh yes pelase ne game +
TyinykThat would be neat.
XiterokMaybe they could do "No global PC" First time and then unlock a powered version of region where you can use global from the start
Pokebioif I finish it oneday because I decided to start with hard mode
Pokebiohonestly the money idea I brought will be implemented in my region
Zaxaronebut mine will def be there at the e4 completion. play the game as intended and once you beat it do whatever
TyinykThe work you do in one aspect of the MMO carries over to another.
Pokebioif there's no global at his point just play random fangames and if you mis the chat open up discord atthe same time
TyinykIf we look at other MMOs, this principle holds true: If you play WoW, and you start as an Orc, you can level up to 40. Then, you can go to the undead starting zone, and do the quests there, even though you're way over-leveled.
samwichconlimonSo like centennial?
PG55no please
Zaxaroneyknow what? no global pc how about that lmao
demonycyou can use arrow up key to get previuous sent messages
PenguinEmissaryhave posted about my predicament on Discord
TyinykI think that one of the unique strengths of Pokengine is the existence of the Global PC and the ability to bring Pokemon from other regions to a different region. I think it's a little silly that the game shies away from that hook.
TyinykLet me scroll up and copy what I said earlier, because I've brought this up before.
Zaxaronebreaking the game even being an option is not a good thing lol
demonycbut this is an mmo it still needs to be fair for everyone
PG55even lv 16
Pokebioand i woudl still make certain fight easier because you could get counter to a pokemon/trainer that was supposed to be hard
TyinykAs mentioned previously, if a player is breaking the game, that only affects that player.
PG55imagine Cadastrophe being used to beat the 1st gym in Rica