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★Coonaethe floor is just a previous one i already had, i need to replace it with something more fitting
Nixcelpixbye Pokebio!
TheNewKingBretYea more teasers!
Pokebiobye guys
Pokebiobecuas e ihave to go
demonyci do like that floor pattern
Killergunfuryi thought we were gonna watch the first pokemon movie
PokebioI have to stop hunting for today
NixcelpixOoooh ok ok
★Coonaei'm making tiles
★Coonaea teaser lol
demonycprob a teaser
Nixcelpixor is just a teaser? > >
NixcelpixWe can?
demonycwhen can i go?
demonyclets gooo
★Coonaelets all go to the movies
Killergunfurywith how much i eat you would think id be fat but im extremely skinny
demonycoh ok then its fine
insumesterrifying mon
Killergunfuryand 6 chicken strips before that
insumeshave you all seen craberrant
Killergunfuryits not like i had lasagna like an hour ago
demonycit could be 0 calories
Killergunfurytheres only 310 calories in it
demonycstop it
Killergunfurythey are very hot noodles
demonycyou are killing yourself
Killergunfuryi inhaled another noodle than coughed it up :(
Killergunfuryim still eating noodle
Pokebioalso someone made a cute ekans prevo it's so lovable
Pokebiokiller show your fakemon
KillergunfuryIM IN PAIN
Pokebioshiny hunting gullunon with demon and  daltonis
KillergunfuryPokebio what you doing in Harsmole
Killergunfuryyou did this to me
Killergunfurypokebio i just inhaled a noodle
NixcelpixYes you are
Pokebio220 encounters
NixcelpixI'm here Killer
Pokebiobon appetit
Killergunfurylemme eat my noodles first Pokebio
ArtyOceanoh, ty demonyc-
Killergunfurynot on PC right now
Killergunfuryits not good but yes
Killergunfuryi have a mon sprited from my region
Pokebioalso trying to sprite a mon for my current region
demonycartyocean click esc?
PG55but thx
PG55i mean, i *will* fail
Pokebiogood luck pg
PG55maybe ill fai
PG55ill try to sprite a mon from my region
demonycthe thing about teras is that the hat position is diferent for each sprite and there is no way to programativly add them
@kyledove ★thanks so much pokebio
Nixcelpixgoing wait
KillergunfuryNix come to the hub
ArtyOceansorry but i clicked 'fullscreen' on the game window but  right clicking again doesnt give me the option to make it small again- how do i do it? ^^;
PG55mega you need to *make* a sprite
Pokebioalso custom tera type
PG55tera you just need to use the normal sprite with new colors
Pokebiothat would be better
demonycjust showing the new type
Pokebioyeah they are hard but it's just one thing
demonycit should work like pokemon showdown
PG55no they arent
demonycprobably teras woudnt have a hat i think
Pokebiomegas are the easiest sprite wise
Pokebioeppsecially the tera hats
PG55sprites are tought
demonycfor all those mechanics
demonyci would dare to say that the hardest part are the sprites´
Pokebiobut hey mega is techincally half implemented
PG55everything is hard