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DiamondseekWhat slander?
dawnishdayswhat is this moltres slander
TheNewKingBretwe not going them the beast the legendary fire
Scravowell, most places you look refer to the trio as legendary beasts
GemWolfZtheyre generic birds i think
DiamondseekMoltres is a rubber duck
PG55which bird are the Kanto birds based on?
Albive found 2 leaflows and no crocoils after searching like all day
TheNewKingBretthey are also basic on the fire at the tower
TheNewKingBretBeast tro - have more cats thing but they are mix of otther beast overall
✏mattgcnlol i started on that today
Albivebeen swimming for 10 years for one
dawnishdaysNeed a false swiper though.
dawnishdaysAt some point I am going to have to start catching every mon I can in hub..
Araimamaybe someday
Albbro how rare is crocoil
AraimaI wish I could get an iron valiant here though
PG55thats why i prefer the english name
Sincubusall pokemon are a light snack, dawn
PG55here we call them "cães lendários" which translates to "legendary dogs", which is wrong
Albtheyre the legendary beasts thats their trio name
dawnishdaysAlso the only snack is sylveon.
Araimabut when folks say dogs I like to call em gerbils
SincubusI just call em all mons
dawnishdays"dogs" was the term everyone used, literally everyone.
GemWolfZmr beast
DiamondseekThey're Pokemon
Albidk dog just stuck in my mind from somewhere
PG55beast is a great name
dawnishdaysI do agree they should be legendary cats... or beasts.
Albi mean yea they are called the beats in game
AraimaI call em "beasts."  Fits so much better since they have both traits
Scravoget out of here
PG55Raikou is a tiger, Entei is a lion and Suicune is a leopard
AraimaNow, if we got the Spaceworld Johto trio they'd be dogs
Sincubuseevee is a clearly a light snack
XdotSVand the johto trio are clearly cats
DiamondseekLore wise
GemWolfZeevee and the johto beasts are both ?????????? theyre animals
PG55the Beasts are cats
DiamondseekThey were orignially dogs
Araimathey're both hodgepodges of different creatures
XdotSVeevee is clearly a fox
Araimathat's like calling eevee a cat or dog...
Araimaalso minor nitpick but idk how folks still think the beasts are "dogs"
PG55im back
Albthat it isnt our future or past
AraimaAlt universe or even fabricated by a higher power
Albwait yea that was implied in s/v
Sincubusits supposed to be from an alternate universe, so lore doesn't matter
Alboh wait
Araimathey are called PARADOX for a reason
Albhonestly fair lmao
Scravopokemon lore haha
dawnishdaysI think Lore went out the window thanks to UM/US.
Alblike how the dogs were resurected froma  fire bu ho-oh
Albi will say that the paradox mons kind of ruin some lore lmao
dawnishdaysFair I guess...
Sincubusthe jigglypuff one is a good design but sucks butt cheeks as usuable mon
dawnishdaysI'll admit it's so goofy that it's likeable but like.. where did magneton go? Lmao.
XdotSVi wish paradox mons got hidden abilities
Albsandy shocks is goated
Albi love it too
SincubusI love sandy shocks
dawnishdaysAlthough Sandy Shocks will forever be a .. what the bleep?
Albidk they just look like they got metal plates on the original designs
dawnishdaysit just feels like unlike other paradox mons, the paradox legendaries seem to have lost what made them *that* pokemon.
XdotSV*iron leaves
PokebioI love crown and like leaves
XdotSVi like all of them besides iron leave
wikiwalkerSad to hear that y'all don't appreciate them
wikiwalkerDesign-wise, I think the iron swords trio is really cool
dawnishdaysFuture regis would have been interesting but I guess they got galar variants...
Albthe only good sword of justice
Albor at the very least they couldve also done a future keldeo too
XdotSVmighty cleave hits through protect and is a 100% accurate rock move
XdotSVsignature move op though
AlbGod they couldve at least done a good group like a future version of the tapus
Pokebioit's literally the least changign with the design
XdotSVboulder is the best
Pokebiobolder is the worst
XdotSViron leaves is terrible
Albi hate them
Pokebiomeanwhile the future paradox swords of justice
Albhydro steam is a busted move for sun teams
Albi ran a sun team in gen 9 oou with hisuian liligant and walking wake that team was so fun
GemWolfZlike theyre so stupid. i understand why people dont like them. but also theyre soooo stupid i loooove them
GemWolfZi love the paradox legendary beasts. i also think they suck
Albis that there arent as many sick future mons
dawnishdaysBut as a "paradox suicune" it's like they threw out everything that made suicune, well.. suicune.
XdotSVraging bolt is silly
Albmy biggest complaints with the paradox mons