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filetman125alro thats a bit rude
ngoomieLynxALot11 i was told you don't, you have to import a mon from a region with it
DiamondseekCloudia if fishing has always been your favorite part of Pokemon
ZeroStarKaiCloudia ain't bad but oh my god do not go there until you understand this mmo
Alrotransfer in a pokemon from somewhere else with surf
ngoomieprobably not easter island though because it's a bit of a slog imo
LynxALot11How do you get Surf in the HUB?
TheNewKingBretcloudia isnt bad tho
ZeroStarKaiBorovia if you want something to really sink your teeth into. Kanto if you wanna get the hang of the usual stuff, and harsholme if you want what's new
DiamondseekNot Centennial Valley
Primalborovia and harsholme for a good time
Loqueycloudia a+ start
ngoomiei'd say kinda just pick whatever interests you
DiamondseekBorovia, Harsholme, Retro Kanto
Alroanywhere but cloudia
Artherbro, I need advice on which region is best for newbies?
TheNewKingBretthen i dont know
TheNewKingBretAlro on the pokemon you and you should the ecnounter
Alrolike not a specific pokemon, everything.
filetman125can u get super rod in hub
TheNewKingBretuse the pokedex
Alrois there a way I can check my total encounters just of all pokemon total
TheNewKingBretI wish we did
ZeroStarKaiWe need more breakcore in pokemon songs
Primalwoah thats fire
✏mattgcnso for me hitting left trigger fishes
✏mattgcnyou can loquey, extra good because you can map items to extra keys like numpad
Nixcelpixi mean, hear it when a MissignNo appear
NixcelpixI will love hear that battle music again
TheNewKingBretI this glitch battle music
LoqueyHum, I wonder if I can throw up a little remapping program and use a controller with the browser window
ZeroStarKaiaww, even the yt boxes are broken
Loqueyyep mouse changes if you move it to side/corner
Yuriiwichlmao ty
Primalyep, like you would do with any window
DiamondseekResize them like windoes, by dragging the edges
YuriiwichIs there any way I can make individual windows bigger?
Loqueyi love it
LoqueyLol did I just see a steam achievement like box pop up
Artherlet me try, thx guys
✏mattgcnyour best bet is probably a region reset
Alrobother mods
Artherbro i got black screen on sinnoh region when i choose the pokemon, what can i do?
TheNewKingBretIt does have music made for tho
ZeroStarKaiother than that, all music is broken right now
ZeroStarKaiRetro Kanto is the only place that does not normally play music
AlroI'm back swablus
tetrisliciouswhere is the firestone in easter isle
InkdreigonThere's no music in Harsholme either. Is that normal?
Nixcelpixand because copyright claim is because Retro Kanto doesn't have music
NixcelpixWhy i was thinking all the time was in Soundcloud
Nixcelpixuse dropbox?
ngoomieit uses dropbox
NixcelpixI just know the music works with Soundcloud :thinking:
TheNewKingBretI just seen that
TheNewKingBret2 dollars azria lmao
LoqueyOh, there's supposed to be music? Just signed into this for the very first time lol
✏mattgcnjext is working on something in the backend
Merricidejus gonna leave that at 100% and jumpscare myself later
NixcelpixMaybe is there a change in the code?
InkdreigonActually, I don't hear any music either
NixcelpixYeah, Music Broken
Merricideso its not just me, that's fine i guess
ngoomiecos you're like the 3rd person i've heard say that's a problem
Diamondseekmusic broke rn
ngoomieseems to be some sort of bug that just cropped up
Merricideanyone have an idea why i cant hear bgm, only sound effects?
TheNewKingBretif you one the prainting it yest
NixcelpixWhy i feel i ear that in a Spanish YT Short video
DiamondseekThe way to beat inflation is to print more money
TheNewKingBretI can pay my back taxes from the irs with that money
Primalare you not worried about inflation?
DiamondseekIt will bring me out of poverty
★Azria ★hope you all liked that extra few dollars
TheNewKingBretone dollar time
★Azria ★it's money giving time
InkdreigonSweet, thanks guys
NyraKyteusing shallowrod I beleive
TheNewKingBreton the boat in hh
★Azria ★from fishing
InkdreigonWhere can I catch a gobeel?
Araimaaw cleffa it's a full moon tonight
Harvekback to the pallet timeloop for me, have fun fellas!
Zaxaroneariza just came ot johto to fart on it
Herii123Meeting in pelmetto town