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TheLarviwent plus 6
TheLarvii just had a dark mon lol
PlanteraO ye i wanted the ciguapo but its alr, im really far away
xsweatersxyeah its not so bad
KingKarmaxsweatersx appreciated
TheLarvii kkinda hard counter it
TheLarvia level 40
xsweatersxKingKarma, look for a wings icon in any pokecenter
xsweatersxalright well my game bugged out and im no longe rin battle factory lol. did someone still need the ciguapo evo?
KingKarmaHow do I leave the kanto region
ProfessorPyou welcome
Hliatorasthank u so much bro
xsweatersxah ty plantera
xsweatersxso you do need it
PlanteraIts a crystabrawl
xsweatersxi forgot the name, its a one of a kind tho
ProfessorPlet me reload
TheLarviwhat is it tho
PlanteraI know i can catch it again, but ill have to look for it this time
TheLarvihuh neat
xsweatersxlarvi, if you refuse to pay and just fight the salesman, you can get it for free
ProfessorPiit went pitch black
Hliatorasyou can just catch it its not that deep into the story
Planterayou can?
xsweatersxits waiting for you somewhere
TheLarviwhats the borovia 20k mon
xsweatersxah then you can still find the static one
ProfessorPi didnt get the prevo on my dex
PlanteraWhen it swooped down
PlanteraI only need one for my pokedex
ProfessorPaw sheet
xsweatersxyou killed it when it swooped down? or when you found it again later
ProfessorPthere it is!
PlanteraI thpught u had to kill it and then find one in the wild
Hliatoraslemme look for the widget
Hliatorasim in my pc and i press offer for trade
PlanteraYe i know, i killed it...
ProfessorPor whatever?
ProfessorPtrade window
ProfessorPdi you see the trade widget?
ProfessorPi am waiting
xsweatersxyou need surf to reach it
ProfessorPok, then accept the trado bro
Hliatoraswhatever u give me i will give u back
xsweatersxits sitting there like the birds in kanto
xsweatersxgulluton can only be found somewhere in the caves as a one time encounter after you fought it once before
Hliatorasit doesnt matter
Hliatoraswe will trade back bro
imaBOXor how ever u spell its name-
ProfessorPwhat do you want to hold onto?
PlanteraGuys do rare eggs give gulluten?
imaBOXi actually hate picachu...
PlanteraI think so
ProfessorPi hate this mouse
RezzyTheGamerdoes life orb work?
xsweatersxhoopa unchained got knocked out by a single head smash lmao
Hliatorasits ok
xsweatersxalright Hoopa Unchained carry me to victory
ProfessorPsorry bro
ProfessorPfrick, i crashed
Planterahmm King do u have one?
xsweatersxi think king karma might have it?
Hliatorasdoesnt matter
PlanteraIs it in Borivia?
ProfessorPwhat do i give to you?
xsweatersxi do but im in battle factory ;(
PlanteraDoes someone have siguapos evo.
xsweatersxyo yo BOX
ProfessorPokay, i guess two less for my dex
TheLarvihi box
imaBOXhi yalll
xsweatersxafterwards i mean
TheLarviim in the count mansion rn
xsweatersxyou can just trade his own linkite back to him
ProfessorPi dont have one to trade back
TheLarviill touch trade
PlanteraU gotta trade it to someone
Hliatorasbut i press offer trade and nothing
Planteraits a trade evo
Hliatorasi wanna evo my linkite
xsweatersxlol not actual holes but ive got some cognitive issues from an accident. physically wrecked too
ProfessorPHlita, whatcha wanna my dude?
Hliatoraswhy doesnt it offer the trade
PlanteraYall im yoo lazy can someone just trade me ciguapos evo